:1: Childhood

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Little Ink POV

My mom drop me off in my new kindergarten, I got a scared a bit, cause maybe I can't make any friends.

Mom: Now Inky, I'll come and pick you up after work, be good okay?

I then nodded, then the teacher then came.

Teacher: Oh, you must be the new student! Come this was deary.

I then followed behind her, once I got inside the classroom there were a lot of people, I then got a bit scared, I then went to a corner, behind a box and started to draw. Drawing actually calms me down.

Le time skip brought to you by skittle face inky~

Someone then comes up to me..... Maybe they wanted to be friends?

Little Error POV

I walked towards this little artsy girl, she looked at me with a confusing look, I then snatched her drawing. To be honest I was impressed with her art, for a 5 or 6 year old she sure knows how to draw. I look at the bottom to see her name,..... Ink? Well, that explains on how good she is in drawing.

She then shouts at me.
"Hey! Give that back!"

Me: Oh! And if I don't?


Before she can even finish her sentence, I ripped her drawing. (I feel bad for Ink ;-;), I can clearly see that she's tearing up I then went back to my place.

Years later~

Teenage Ink POV

I walked towards my new highschool, my elementary days were a bit fine, except Error keeps on bullying me, maybe this time, I'll get a chance to not ran into him.....

And then, I spoke too soon.

Teenage Error POV

I then waved off to my friends, and once I was going to get into the school gates, I saw Ink...... Really? This girl?!? Again?!? I've hated her so much......

More and more years later (present time)~

Error POV

"PJ! GRADIENT!" I yelled at my two favorite boys, I just took them in a few years ago.

"Yeah dad?" Paperjam asked....

"Hurry up those asses and get in the car! You're going to be late for the first day of school!" I yelled back at him, he then rushed up the stairs, probably getting Gradient. I then heard some crashes and other shiz until both of them finally got out of their room.

Once we arrived, I then saw this new girl, probably the new art teacher, she looks very familiar, then once I got a little and a better closer look at her, I then growled, that this person was my most hated person that I know......

Ink Comyet.

YAY! Chapie one done!
I'm sorry if it's too short,  and believe me,  I tried ;-;

I just noticed that my Story title has a similar title to another ErrorInk fanfict, whoops my bad, I just didn't noticed that's all! 😅😅😅

Welp,  I'll post the next chapter soon or tomorrow!

That's all for now!
-Nerdy Kat

Nothing Lasts Forever (An ErrorInk Fanfict (more Ships Included) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن