The Other Woman: Spin-off ~Rowoon~

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She comes in everyday.

The same time, orders the same same thing.

Sits in the same spot, and stays for about an hour each day, all by herself.

Her hair is always up some how.

Same style of clothing. Skinny jeans or shorts, with a T-shirt or tank top with a jacket or cardigan, all paired with some kind of boot or sneaker.

From 8-9 in the morning she does the same thing.

The window spot, fartherest from the counter, in the corner.

She's always sitting there with a notebook and pencil.

What does she do?

She just sits there.

The café opens from 5 in the morning till 12:30 night time.

She could come anytime of the day but she doesn't. Why during that hour? I never see her any other time of the day. She is so weird. Who can do that everyday? The same thing.

Come in. Sit. Order. Does whatever. Pays. Up and leaves.

"Who you staring at?"

I turn and see my manager. She smirks.

"No one? Why?"

"You stare at the same costumer everyday,"She responds putting her hands in her apron pockets.

"Oh. I was  just thinking thats all. It just so happens she's in my line of sight," I lied.

"Oh I see. If you are interested in her, I'll get her number for you. She's a university student. We attend the same classes," my manager pushed.

"Come on, stop it Areum. I'm leaving now. My shift is over. You promised half a shift," Rowoon smiled and took off his apron and hung it.

Before he left, he looked and saw the girl empty from her table.

"It's only been thirty minutes. Where has she-"

"This girl left this note for you," Areum smirked, "I think she likes you. By the way her name is Yoo Byul Your type,"Areum hands out the folded paper.

Rowoon took the paper and walked out. In the cold air, Rowoon puffed out a heap a smoke as  his warm breath made contact with the with the winter air. He opened the folded paper.

'Kim Rowoon, or should I say Kim Seokwoo?
Meet me at Seoul Performing Arts High School @9, in the back building. You know which level.'

Rowoon folded the paper and walked. Once he made it to the school, he walked through an alley way. He went up a fire escape and through a window. There, he sees a girl. The girl sitting in front of the large mirror.

"You made it," the girl smiled, turning around.

"I knew it," Rowoon smiled.

Rowoon walked over and gave her a hug.

"When were you back?" Rowoon asked.

"A few hours ago," She smiled.

"Byul, you didn't even call or anything. What's new?" Rowoon asked.

"Well, bestie, we didn't really leave on good terms. Otherwise, I'm good. Nothing really new. By the way, your manager says you've been eyeing a girl. Who is she?" Byul smirked.

"No girl. I'm not eyeing anyone," Rowoon denied.

Byul walked to the fire escape.

"You know that she is Kyun Nayoung? You're old crush from middle schoo ? Well, she was a high school student, her last year," Byul smiled.

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