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Hey all, my names Karsten, and I'm 17 years old. So I guess I'll give ya a lil' background info for myself. I've been raised in a religious home, so I've always been taught that various LGBT things are sinful. For the longest time, I believed it, until I experienced something myself. I met the most amazing person in September/October of 2016, and they stole my heart. For 3/4 of a year, I did all sorts of various experimenting in my relationship with them, and made certain I was sure of myself and my intentions before I did anything. I established MY OWN viewpoint and beliefs. Those being, that I would not participate in activity with a member of the same sex unless I was sure I loved them, and that I could further a relationship with them. And if it meets that criteria and I can live a normal, morale life with a member of the same sex, just as one would if they were straight, then I could move forward in that.

So during that year, I tested both myself, and sometimes the person that I cared for. Eventually, in June of 2017, the truth of the matter was exposed to me. From there I moved forward in that relationship. As I slowly told people, I first went to people that I didn't know as well, and then slowly to ones I knew better. To this day, I still have not come out. However, that doesn't mean I'm afraid to do so. 

Coming out, you'll probably never feel safe, the situation may never be ideal. But you ARE worth it, to yourself and to others, to be who you are, and love who you love. People may not accept it, but the best we can do is try to help them understand. Find a way to relate and compare, then take your path of sharing. They may not be happy, but in all honesty, acceptance at that point, isn't their choice. You've made it clear who you are. There's nothing they can do to change you, so they have to accept. The bottom line is that we are in this together and stronger together. Find support, and then choose the path you'd take. PM anytime

-Karsten (Aka, forsaken Viper). 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2017 ⏰

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