"Henry!" Hook yelled as Maya said the same a few seconds after. They ran towards the sound until all the sudden it sounded muffled. We looked around and Zach saw a conch shell.

"Guys. It's coming from there." He said as they looked at the shell.

"The bloody sea witch. It's a trick." Hook put his hand on his mouth pulling at it lightly then putting his hand by his side.

"Then where is it coming from? And where's Emma?" Maya questioned worried. It was a bad situation. She didn't want Emma doing anything she would regret.

"I don't know. We split up." He said catching his breath. "Can't you try and see where she is?"

"I've never done that before. And my mind isn't really in the best place since yesterday." She said pressing on the goosebump on her head.

"What happened yesterday?" Zachariah asked worriedly.

"I'll tell you later. Right now we need to make sure Henry is ok." Maya changed the subject looking to her.

They went back to where Hook split up with Emma and tracked back to her. She was by a cliff with Henry, Mary Margaret, and David.

"Henry are you okay? Where is Cruella?" Maya asked looking to the boy who was still holding his mother.

"I'm fine. Cruella she's- down there." Henry voiced shakily.

Maya walked over to the ledge and looked to see Cruella. "Who-" Maya started cautiously.

"I did. I couldn't let her hurt Henry." Emma said looking to Maya.

"Em." Maya breathed quietly. She couldn't believe Emma killed someone.

"Emma she couldn't hurt Henry." Mary Margaret whimpered lightly in worry.

"The author made it so she could never kill anyone." David told the blonde.

"Oh my god." Maya looked at Emma.

"Let's just get Henry home. He's probably shaken up." Emma said as they started walking.

Maya wasn't going to lie. She was frightened. Gold wanted her to turn dark and all the sudden she ends up killing someone. It was worrisome. She just hoped everything would get better soon.

Emma, Maya, Zachariah, and Hook went back to the loft in Emmas bug while the others went in two other cars. "Mys." Zach said shaking her arm lightly as the two sat in the back seat.

She blinked a bit and glanced at him. "I'm fine. Just worried."

"There's nothing to be worried about Mys. It's not like I'll actually go dark." Emma responded.

"Em you killed someone." Maya said quietly. "I have every right to be worried."

"There was no other option. Do you actually think I could go dark?" Emma asked as the two men stayed quiet.

"I certainly hope not. There is always another option Emma, you know that. I know that you won't commit to being dark, but that doesn't mean it won't just show up and take you by surprise." Maya explained to her sister.

CURIOUS: Sensational ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 4]Where stories live. Discover now