Batman vs Green Arrow/ Arrow

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In the future

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In the future

Batman  was on the hunt. After the mysterious disappearance of Superman two weeks ago he was set on edge. Now after finding Nightwing brutally beaten in a alleyway he was on edge. He hunted for clues and it led him here: An abandoned factory in Gotham. He entered silently and stealthy, navigating the factory slowly and carefully. He entered a long hall with a door at its end. He walked through the hall, his boots treading lightly on the ground. Suddenly two turrets sprung out from the ceiling and began blasting away. In a fluid roll Batman threw two Bat-Bombs at the turrets and ducked, rising his cape to shield himself. the turrets exploded sending fragments flying down the hall. Batman stood quickly and began to approach the end of the hall. The door swung open its hinges creaking lightly. Batman entered a large room probably the length of a football field. He surveyed the room noticing a string of liquid in a circle in the center of the room. He knew his foe was here but where his foe was he did not know. 

"I knew you would show up eventually Bats." A familiar voice cackles from behind Batman.

Batman turned around looking for the voice's owner and instead saw that on the wall sat a speaker.

"Show yourself" Batman said gruffly to the speaker as he walked into the center of the room.

"You don't know who I am Bats?" The voice cackles through the speaker , "Maybe this will make you remember" 

Suddenly a turrets pop out of the ceiling but now they shoot arrows. Batman destroys them with Bat-a-rang's easily but he catches one of the arrows in mid air. He studies it, it is long and a metal shaft but Batman does not care about that as he looks at the tip of the arrow: Its green.

"Oliver?" Batman asks confused

Suddenly a door opens across the way from Batman and out steps The Green Arrow (Gonna call him Arrow from now on). Batman looks confused as Arrow steps into the circle.

"You surprised Bats you shouldn't be."  Arrow says to Batman and pulled out a lighter

"Oliver why?" Batman asks confused

"Why?! Why!! Because you denied me my fame! When I was in the League you denied me membership! I asked you to be your partner but you said No! Then you allowed Nightwing to be your partner! Now I will prove to you I am better than you!" Arrow said as he threw the lighter at the liquid setting it on fire.

Arrow and Batman are surrounded in a ring of fire and Arrow pulls out a large katana, its blade glints in the fire. He runs at Batman and Batman ducks. The blade swings harmlessly over his head. He rolled over but The Arrow quickly thrust it into Batman's side. Batman groans in pain but looks up at Oliver. His eyes are crazed and he is salivating at the mouth. Batman knows there is only one way to end this fight. Batman pushes off the sword and rolls away. He pulls a syringe out of his belt and ran at The Arrow. Arrow stabs Batman in the stomach and Batman stabs the Arrow in the neck with the syringe. The Arrow crumbles to the ground paralyzed. 

"I didn't want you as a partner because you already knew everything you needed to know I couldn't teach you anymore" Batman said and walked off grimly.  


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