Boba Fett vs Master Chief

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As Boba Fett descended on this alien planet he wondered what was in store for him this time

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As Boba Fett descended on this alien planet he wondered what was in store for him this time. His bounty was interesting and very high this time. Man known as Master Chief with a interesting record. He landed on the planet and rose from his seat, Slave 1 went into rest mode as he descended down onto the ground. This world was covered in dense jungle and water, strange beasts inhabited this land. He slowly trudged through the dense underbrush and foliage. He suddenly stopped and stood still. A blaster bolt flew by his helmeted head as he ducked and rolled into cover. He returned fire and ducked back behind cover. Then it became silent, Fett listened for any noise. His magnified hearing heard the sound of a armored foot breaking a branch close to him. He turned his blaster and pulled the trigger 5 times in the direction of the noise and ran at it. Bolts flew by his head as he ducked and wove through the tree's. He finally see's what he's been shooting at: It was a robot. Fett shot the robot in the head and it crumbled to the ground. 

"Smart a decoy this might be challenging"  Fett thought to himself as he looked in the clearing for his target. 

He saw him standing across the way wearing his full armor  and caring his rifle. Fett ducked and aimed his gun at Chief. Chief suddenly jumped down into the water below them. Fett watched him fall knowing it was a trap, but Fett had a few tricks of his own. He pressed a button on his gauntlet and a explosion rocked the ground above the water. Suddenly rocks covered the water below. No one could survive that butt Fett had to be sure. He jumped down and landed in the water. He moved the rocks aside but found no body. Suddenly someone jumped on Fett pushing him to the ground. Chief grappled with Fett pinning him to the ground. Chief pulled out his blaster for the killing shot putting it to Fett's helmeted head. Then he suddenly went rigid and fell to the side paralyzed. Fett pulled a vibrodagger laced with poison out of Chief. Fett took Chiefs helmet off and pulled out his blaster. He shot Chief in the head killing him instantly and walked off. 

First one what do you guys think? Comment or pm me for suggestions for battles and hope you like it!

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First one what do you guys think? Comment or pm me for suggestions for battles and hope you like it!

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