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"Honey, I'm home!!" I yelled. I walked through our door and to the kitchen. I walked in on a very familiar scene. Izabella was at the stove with music playing from beside her. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "For I can't help falling in love with you." I sang along to the song while gently swaying side to side. She turned around and buried her head into my neck. "You know, even after being married for ten years, I still wouldn't want you to come home any other way." Izabella said. I smiled and kissed her head. She stepped back and looked at me. "You're home early today." She said. I nodded. "I missed the kids. Where are they?" I asked. "The twins are asleep, AJ is in the living room and Ashton is upstairs in his room, I think." Izzy said. I nodded and kissed her before going to find them. "Tell them dinner's almost ready!" I threw a thumbs up at her before I turned the corner. I walked into the living room to find AJ sprawled out on the couch watching tv. I smiled at the sight of our seven year old. "Hey Sweetie, you wanna come with me to get the twins?" I asked. "Mommy!!" She yelled, jumping off the couch and into my arms. "I'll take that as a yes." I said laughing. I climbed the stairs with AJ telling me all about her day in my ear. I opened Ashton's door. Our thirteen year old son looked up. "Hey Mom." He said. "Hi baby. Mama's almost done with dinner so head downstairs and get washed up." He nodded. AJ and I headed to the one year old twins' room. We opened the door and I put her down. "Allison Jane, do not scare them." I warned as she ran towards the cribs. I walked towards Michael's crib. He's a minute and fourteen seconds older than Mikayla. I picked him up carefully because he's still asleep. "Can you hold Mikey for me while I pick up Mickey?" AJ nodded and held her arms out. I placed him down and went to the other crib. I'm met with a toothless smile. "Hi sweetheart." I say. I pick her up and then take Mikey from AJ. We head downstairs and I place Mikayla in her chair and I leave Mikey in my arms. "Do you need help?" I ask Izzy as I take AJ's plate to the table. "No, I got it. Thanks, Love." She said kissing my cheek. "I'm eating." Ashton says from his seat. "So?" I say looking at him. He's got a smile on his face so I know he's kidding. We sit down and begin eating. I look around at my family and smile. I made it. I need my family and they need me because together, we're Stronger.


And that's the end!

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