Chapter 2

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When I awoke the next morning, she was gone. I quickly got up, throwing the blanket off to the side. I was panicking. Where did she go? Did I do something wrong? I whipped around at the sound of a door opening. She walked out of the bathroom and I hugged her. I picked her up at least a foot off the ground. "Well, what was that for?" She asked. I didn't answer instead I simply kissed her. "You want breakfast?" I said walking towards the fridge. "We gotta go shopping." She said. "Let's go." I said. As we walked down the hall our hands touched. When we got in the elevator, I noticed her face went pale. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I am scared of elevators." She said. I didn't know what to say, so I just held her hand. Her facial expression became more relaxed. We were still holding hands when we walked down the street. We walked to Ideal Market and bought some food. I carried all the groceries. When we got in the elevator, I put some bags down to hold her hand. Michael was waiting for us. "Here. Let me take those." When we got everything put away, we sat to talk. "The bank called again. The card was used again and they wanted to make sure he was notified. He answered the phone before I could. He cancelled the card and called the cops." He said. I panicked. "They're gonna take me home. Let's go. I gotta talk to him." I got up and headed for the door." Y'all coming or not?" They got up and we left. "It looks the same as it always did." I said when we arrived. "Dad? Someones here to see you." Mike said. Uncle James walked into the kitchen. "Rocquelle!" He said surprised. He picked me up off my feet and spun me around like he always used to do. "You've gotten so big! How've you been?" He set me back on the floor. "Umm..can we talk alone, please?" I asked. "Of course." He said. We sat down at the dining room table. Michael and Izabella went upstairs to Mike's room to play video games.

"So we really didn't get to talk before." Mike said. "Tell me about yourself." Izabella laughed. "No. You go first." "Okay I'm 19. I was an only child until my dad remarried. Now I have 2 twin sisters. My favorite color is orange. K love kool-aid but only the blue kinds. I'm afraid of heights." He went on and on. While they were getting to know each other, my uncle and I were still talking. "I'm gonna kill him." He said, standing up and storming to the kitchen. "No. No. No. No." I chased after him. "You'll go to jail." He took me in his arms. "Your father wouldn't have wanted this. And he sure as hell wouldn't want me to do nothing. He'd want me to go handle it. I'm going. You can come or stay." He put on his jacket. Michael and Izabella heard him and came downstairs. They decided to come but I didn't want Izabella to. "No, please you stay here. Please." I took her hands in mine. She agreed to stay and Mike too. I followed my uncle to the car. When we arrived at my 'house', I froze. "It will be okay." He said. He put his arm around me. We knocked three tines before the door opened. Standing there was Andy, my abusive alcoholic stepfather. The familiar smell of alcohol making it's way into my nostrils. "Who the hell are you?" He asked my uncle with a rough tone, then he looked at me. "Thanks foe bringing her home." My uncle took my arm. His voice now tense. "We are here to get her stuff." I stepped behind my uncle as we walked into the house. The house was still a mess. There was a pile clothes in the corner. The coffee table had empty beer bottles and used needles on it. The dishes had piled up. It was still the same place i left. Neither one of them must've bothered to clean it. Of course. My mom was also sober, for once. "Baby, you're home!" She said hugging me. "And you've brought James." She stepped over to hug him but he stepped back. "Its a miracle you remember me after all of the shit you've taken." He said. I went into my room and grabbed everything I wanted. My uncle guarded the door as if he was guarding the tomb of a dead soldier.After we gathered everything, we started to head out. A few steps from the door, we stopped dead in our tracks. Andy clicked his gun. "You can leave. She isn't going anywhere." He said. My uncle stepped in front of me. "She's coming with me." He said, his voice deep. I slowly stepped backwards until i was out the door. When I reached the car, there was a gunshot. And time stopped.

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