Chapter 14

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The next day, Mike was running around in the yard, playing ball with the twins and Ashton, Priscilla and Izzy went shopping and Uncle James was at work. Aunt Missy and I were in the kitchen. "So have you guys talked about wedding plans?" She asked. I shook my head no. "Well let's talk about present things. Ashton's birthday is tomorrow." She said. "I know and I'm excited." I said. "Is there anything special he likes?" She asked. "He loves Paw Patrol, Fairly Oddparents, and The Doodlebops. Oh and Barney and The Teletubbies." I said. "Well, whenever you guys go to your mom's, I'll go shopping." She said. I nodded. A few hours later, we headed to my mom's. Izzy held Ashton while I knocked on the door. My mom answered. "Who's this little guy?" She asked as we walked in. "Mom, can we talk?" I asked. She nodded and we all went and sat down in the living room. I took a deep breath. "His name is Ashton Daniel Coales and he turns three tomorrow." I said. "Isn't that Ty's last name?" She asked. I nodded. "Yes. Actually, Ty is his father and um.." I paused, not knowing how she'll react to the next part of the news. "I'm his mother." I said. For a moment, she didn't say anything. "What? How and when did this happen? How did we not know?" She asked. "A couple months before I turned fifteen. I always wore baggy clothes and I always stayed at Ty's house." I said. She looked between Ashton and I for a few minutes before taking a deep breath. "Well, I can't change it. I'm a grandmother." She said. She got to hold and get to know Ashton over the course of the next few hours. We went home and went to bed. Whenever I woke up, I woke up Ashton. "Happy Birthday, sweetheart!" I said kissing him all over his face. He pushed my face away. "Push me away now but there's more where that came from." I told him. I woke up Izzy then went out to the kitchen. "Good morning sweetie and Good morning to you too, birthday boy." Aunt Missy said while she was preparing breakfast. "I hope you don't mind that I invited Ty, Ty's brother and his wife to dinner." I said. "Of course not. It's taco night so there will be plenty to go around. And honestly I like the idea of Ashton's mom and dad being together again for his birthday." She said while flipping a pancake. Izzy came out to the kitchen. "Why am I up this early?" She asked. "Aunt Missy, do you mind watching Ash for a little bit?" I asked. "Not at all but eat before you go anywhere." She said. After eating, Izzy and I went to the playground. We sat on the swings. "You know how we haven't went to school in awhile?" I asked. Izzy nodded. "I've been thinking and I saw a help wanted sign in the roller rink window i think I just want to get my GED and start work there." I said. "Well, I'm going to stay in school. If that's okay." Izzy said. "Of course it's okay. Baby, I'll support whatever you want to do. We could start planning our wedding too." I said. "I don't want to have a big wedding. We honestly could just reuse some of Mike's wedding stuff. We could have a small ceremony in the backyard and have a cookout afterwards." She said. "Whatever you want. We could have a small wedding or a big one. We could have an indoor or an outdoor one. Honestly, I just want to be with you." I said. We took some pictures and then went home. Ashton was playing with his toys. "I'm gonna go shower." Izzy said. I nodded and kissed her forehead. Aunt Missy came into th living room. "Where'd you guys go?" She asked. I picked up Ashton and put him on my lap. "Up to the playground. We talked about the wedding and stuff." I said. "We don't want to have a large wedding. We just want to use some of Mike and Priscilla's stuff. Oh and you know how we haven't been to school? Well, personally, I want to drop out and get my GED or go to cyberschool. I'm going to get a job at the roller rink. I mean if you and Uncle James approve of course." I said. Her facial expression didn't give me any clue as to what she was going to say. "Rocky, whatever you choose to do, is okay with us. As long as you're happy and know you're doing what you want. What else have you come up with?" She asked. I subconsciously got a huge smile on my face. "We've decided that we don't want to have a large wedding. We could have a small one in the backyard then a cookout like reception after. I have to ask her but I want to wear my mom's wedding dress from the wedding with my dad. If it's alright with you, Izzy wants to wear your wedding dress." I said. "Of course, that will be okay." She said. We played with Ashton until it was time for dinner. Ty came over and Ashton went right to him. "Sam's bringing the presents in the car. He and Jess will be here soon." He said. Dinner was going really well. Ty got to know everybody and everybody got to know Ty. About halfway through, Ty's phone rang. "Excuse me, I have to take this." He excused himself and went out onto the deck. After a few minutes, I looked up and I could tell something was wrong. "Excuse me." I said before going out to check on him. "Yes. I'll be there soon." I heard him say before hanging up. "What's going on?" I asked him. "There's been an accident. I have to go." He said quickly before running off to his truck. I went back in to the house and Izzy, Aunt Missy and I left to go to the hospital. After awhile of sitting in the waiting room, a doctor came and spoke with Ty. "Sam died on impact. Jess died from internal bleeding and a severe head injury. They were bit by a drunk driver. All he has is a concussion and a broken leg." He balled his fist up and punched the wall. I grabbed him and him tight. After awhile, he became less tense and broke down. I broke down right there on the hospital floor with him. I'm the only person, besides family, that has seen Ty cry. Ty went to stay at his mom's house and we went home. I curled up in a ball on our bed. Izzy laid beside me just rubbing my back and comforting me. Sam was just like my brother too. He was always there when I needed him. He has cleaned cuts for me whenever I'd come over from my house. He has been my shoulder to cry on for several years. I've known him and Jess for half my life. I didn't sleep that night.

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