Chapter 15

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Earlier the next morning, Ty called and said that we had go to court. "I know this is very sudden but in their Will, Samuel and Jessica stated they wanted this to be sorted out as soon as possible." The judge said. "In Mr. and Mrs. Coales Will and Testament, they leave custody of their adopted son, Ashton Coales, to his birth mother, Rocquelle Martin. They leave possession of their house and vehicles to their brother, Tyler Coales. Any other personal items go to family and they can do with that whatever they please. Are there any questions concerning the Will and Testament of Samuel and Jessica Coales?" She asked. "No your honor." I said shaking my head. I looked at Ty. "I would actually like to sign the lease of the house and the vehicles over to Rocquelle. She's going to be starting a family soon and needs it more than I do." He said. The judge looked at me. "Is that okay with you?" She asked. "If that's what he wants to do." I said, still dumbfounded by the situation. Ty nodded. "You'll both have paperwork but we're done here." The judge said. Whenever we left, I waited to talk to Ty. "What was that about?" I asked him when he came out of the building. "Look, I have a house and my truck. You and Izabella are going to get married soon and have a family of your own. I want you to have the house. Please." He said. I didn't object, I just nodded my head. "It's going to be an eventful next two weeks, isn't it?" He asked as he got into his truck. "Yep. Mike and Priscilla's wedding is tomorrow, my birthday two days after that, then Izabella's birthday next week and then our wedding." I said. He laughed. "Time to grow up, kid." He said. I smiled at him, remembering the last time he said that to me. My water had just broken and we were on the way to the hospital. I was freaking out and he just kissed my forehead and said that. The next day, we went to Priscilla's bright and early. As soon as we showed up, we were pulled, literally, to hair and make-up. After getting ready and checking that everything was set for what seemed like forever, it was time. Priscilla's dad knocked on the door and came in. "It's time, princess." He said. She walked up to her dad and whispered in his ear. He nodded and left. She turned and faced us. "Guys, I can't do this." Priscilla said, looking down nervously. I looked around the room and told the rest of the girls to give us a second. Once they were gone, I sat Priscilla down. "I don't want you to say anything. I just want you to listen. Okay?" I said. She nodded. "Not that long ago, I was scared to go home. I wasn't in a gpod place. Then I met Izzy and everything changed. I'm absolutely terrified to get married. I'm scared and terrifyingly nervous. I know I love Izzy. I am not scared to come home anymore because she's my home. So I'm going to do what I know I want to do despite the fear I feel. I know you love Mike. I know you want to be with him forever. So you're gonna do the same and go get married to the love of your life before I have to drag you out there myself." I said. She stared at me blankly for a few seconds before nodding her head. "Okay." She said. I went to get her dad. "She's ready." He nodded and went to fetch Priscilla. We met the groomsmen by the back doors. I'm Priscilla's maid of honor and I'm walking with Logan, Mike's bestfriend. Everyone gawked at how beautiful we all looked however Priscilla had everybody jaw dropped. The priest spoke a few words and then Mike said his vows. "I know we're young. I know there's going to be good and bad days. I know, eventually, we're both going to be old and gray and even then you'll still be absolutely beautiful. I know I'm in love with you. You literally had me from the moment I saw you. You were wearing a Beatles band shirt that day almost four years ago, with ripped skinny jeans ans worn out black converse. I haven't wanted to be with anybody else since then and I hope you feel the same. I love you and I'm ready to begin our future." Mike said. He wiped a few tears from Priscilla's face. She nodded. "I feel the same. You are my everything. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. You're the sweetest, nicest, most caring person I've ever met. I'm so in love with you that it seems crazy to have only known each other a few years. I can't wait for our future to start together and to see where this crazy world takes us." Priscilla said. Afterwards, they said they're I do's and we followed them back down the aisle, Izzy and I snuck away out back. We found a small path that led to a small lake and we sat down on the bench that was placed near the edge of the water. For a few minutes, we didn't say anything; we just sat in silence. "It's so crazy. We're going to be married soon." Izzy said breaking the silence. "It's so crazy. I never thought about running away until that night. I was just sitting there. One second, I was crying. The next, I was jumping up and packing a bag. What happened to me wasn't as serious as what happened to you. I know there are some scars you have that are too deep for you to ever open up about. But, please, whenever you're ready, know that I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. I'll listen to whatever you have to say, whenever you have to say it, with no judgement. It is scary to me to even think about marriage. But because it's with you, I know I can do it. You make everything less scary and I love you so much." She continued. I was speechless. I wanted to tell her that I feel the same, but I couldn't form the words. I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead. After a few more minutes, we went back to the reception. We made it back in time for the toasts and dancing. We slow danced together, even after Mike and Priscilla left for their honeymoon, even after people started leaving, even after there was no more music. It was just me and her, her and I, swaying together. Only focusing on our slow movements and the beating of our hearts against one another. "Alright, cuties, time to go. Break it up." Aunt Missy said shoving us slightly but gently. When we finally got home it was late but we didn't go to sleep right away. Instead we talked. "You know it's the same for you, right? I was so choke up earlier, I couldn't respond. You can always talk to me; no matter what it's about or when you need to. I'll be there for you. People think we've known each other for years, little do they know, it's only been months." I said. "Izabella, despite the fact that some people may think that we're severly rushing things, I'm so ready to spend the rest of my life of our lives together." I softly continued. She nodded against my shoulder. "Did you have fun?" I asked. She nodded. She fell peacefully asleep shortly after. I, on the other hand, couldn't sleep. I carefully climbed out of bed and went to the kitchen. Aunt Missy was sipping coffee. "Can't sleep either?" I asked. She jumped. "Rocky, you scared me! But no, I couldn't." She said. We sat in peaceful silence for a few minutes. "Have you guys figured out when you want to get married? Like a date?" She asked. I shook my head. "I turn eighteen in two days and Izabella turna eighteen next Wednesday." I said. She looked thoughtful for a moment. "How about next Saturday? Everybody's off on Saturday and Mike and Priscilla will be back Friday." I nodded. "We can have it in the back yard. We can set up chairs and have a simple barbecue. A decent cake will do. It'll be perfect." I said smiling a dopey smile. Aunt Missy looked at me for a moment. "I agree. You know, I think you guys are perfect for one another. Despite me only knowing you both just about as long as you've known each other. You guys seem to be getting on a good path. Ty gave you guys the house, the car and you have your son back. You guys are pretty much adults already." She said. I just hugged her. She really is one of the nicest people I've ever met. We said goodnight and I headed to bed. Izzy was still fast asleep when I came back in the room. I crawled in beside her. "Goodnight, Love." I said before kissing her head and falling asleep along with her.

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