Chapter 16

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The next day, I woke up before Izabella. Aunt Missy was about to walk out the door when she saw me. "Hey, I was just going to go get some stuff for the wedding. Wanna come?" She asked. "Actually, I'd prefer it if you came." She quickly added on. I nodded but motioned to my pajamas. "Go get ready. I'll be in the car." She said. I went to the room and quietly got dressed. I grabbed my phone and went to walk out of the room but I stopped and walked over to the bed. I looked down at rhe sleeping form of Izabella and I could feel my heart melt a bit. I leaned down and moved some hair out of her face. I kissed her head and walked out of the room and to the car. We went to Walmart to get things like hamburgers, chips and other cookout necessities. After that we went to the mall to get some decorations. We're currently in K-Mart buying a lot of chairs. "Rock, your phone is going off." Aunt Missy said. I took my phone out. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Baby, you weren't here when I woke up. Where are you?" Izzy asked me. "I'm with Aunt Missy. She was getting ready to leave whenever I woke up. She wanted me to come to help shop." I answered. "You didn't kiss me good morning." "I kissed your forehead before I left, princess but I'll make it up to you." "All right, I'll see you when you come home." She sighed. "I love you." I said. "I love you too, Baby." She said before making a kissing sound through the phone and hanging up. "Who was that?" Aunt Missy asked. "Izzy. She was upset I wasn't there when she woke up." I replied. "Cute." She simply said. I blushed and we went back to shopping. When we got home, we put everything away and I went to see Izzy. I walked into the room to find her watching The Fosters. "Baby?" I said. She didn't say anything. I walked over to the bed and sat next to her. "Are you mad?" I asked gently. She shook her head no. "I was just worried." She said. She looked over and met my gaze. "I was crazy worried. Do you remember at the hotel when you woke up worried when I wasn't next to you when you woke up?" I nodded. "Well, that's how I felt whenever I woke up and you were no where to be found. I know there's nothing to be scared of anymore but you've been the beginning and end of my days for awhile now. I wake up and you're either next to me or in the house. I go to sleep next to you every night. I guess I just panicked. I'm sorry." She said. I took her hands in mine. "Hey. Don't apologize, Love. I understand. I feel the same about you. Actually, I feel that was if you're not near me for five seconds." We laughed. "Are you okay, Iz?" I asked to make sure. She nodded. The rest of the day consisted of wedding plans. I was exhausted by the time we went to bed. I just wanted to sit back and help when asked but there is so much more that goes into wedding planning. I woke up to Izzy kissing me. "Well, Good Morning, to you too." I said, sitting up. "Happy Birthday!!" She squealed before kissing all over my face. "Calm down there, tiger." I said getting up and walking towards Ashton's crib. "Where's Ash?" I asked. "Ty came and got him. He said you could use a break." She said, getting up and hugging me. "He also said happy birthday." I nodded and kissed the side of her head and running my fingers through her hair. Later that day, a small party was thrown in honor of my birthing. I got a new pair of shoes, some money and my favorite gift, a new phone case; a picture of Ashton, Izabella, and I smiling back at me. As I put the shoes in my room, my mom came in behind me. "Can we talk?" She asked. U nodded and motioned to the bed. I sat down criss cross applesauce and she sat in front of me. "So, first off, Happy Birthday and I love you. My little girl is grown now. It seems like yesterday, you were running around with your diaper on your head." She laughed through her now forming small tears. "Secondly, I'm so sorry I missed so many of your birthdays. I feel so much guilt and I can't fix the past but I'm going to make up for it." I pulled her in for a hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes before she pulled away and handed me an envelope. "This is for you. I was never told when exactly to give you this and I have no idea what is says but I feel like your eighteenth birthday is appropriate." Before I could ask any questions, Izzy ran into the room. "It's time for cake. She said. My mom smiled and went ahead. "What's that?" Izzy asked pointing to the envelope. I shrugged. "Alright. Let's go, babe. I want cake." She said. I laughed. Once I put the envelope away and followed her to the kitchen. When I entered, everyone started singing happy birthday. Izzy whispered, "I love you", in my ear before I blew out the candles. The next hour after that consisted of two things: First, a cake battle and second, a water fight because of the cake battle. After cleaning up and saying goodbye, the party was over. Later that night, Izzy and I were lying in bed. "This was the best birthday I've had in awhile. Thank you and I love you too." I said. In her half-asleep state, Izzy only hummed in response. I joined her not soon after. The next few days went by quickly. they pretty much consisted of just wedding planning. If you thought it was impossible to plan and prepare a wedding in just barely over a week, think again. I woke up and looked over at Izzy. "Happy Birthday, Love. Time to wake up." I said. She didn't move. "Wake up or I'm going to tickle you." I said. Once again, nothing. I moved to where I was straddling her waist. I counted to ten and then began to tickle her sides. "Rocky! Stop! I'm up!" She yelled as she began squirming. I leaned down and kissed her. "Woah! Sorry there." Aunt Missy said entering then exiting the room. We laughed and went out to the kitchen. "Happy Birthday, kid." Uncle James said as he hugged Izzy and kissed her head. Aunt Missy did the same. "Is it alright if Ashton comes back?" I asked. Uncle James looked at me like I was crazy. "Why wouldn't it be?" He said. Knowing it was a rhetorical question, i just went and called Ty. "Hello?" He answered. "I miss my baby." I said. He laughed. "Well hello to you too. I was actually going to bring him back over later because I'm going back to work tomorrow." I nodded but then remembered that he couldn't see me. "Alright." I said. We said goodbye and hung up. Izzy and I decided to go to the place known as "Devil's Rock." It was just a large rock structure that was probably a hundred feet high. We sat on the edge. "Rocky?" I turned my head towards her. "I'm so happy that I met you. You're such a great person. People are supposed to have known each other for awhile before they begin to date and fall in love and most definitely are supposed to date for a really long time before marriage. However, I know we're nor rushing things. I mean other people can think we are but they can keep their opinions to themselves. I love you. I can't wait to spend then rest of my life with you." She said. I wiped the few tears that managed to slip down her cheeks. "I love you too. You're right. We're not rushing things. I feel the same about you. Nothing feels right anymore unless I'm with you. You're my everything. I wish I could explain your eyes' impact on me, or how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. I feel so complete with you." I went to continue but Iz put her hand over my mouth. "Save it for the wedding." She said. When we got back home, Izzy's birthday party had begun. Aunt Missy pointed me to the living room. I walked in to find Ashton playing. "Hey, there's my little man!" I said picking him up. I kissed his head and spun him around. "Do you wanna go see the birthday girl?" I asked him. I looked amongst the people who had shown up for the small party. I found her in the kitchen talking to Aunt Missy. I put Ashton on her back. She flinched. "Not cool." She playfully glared at me but then smiled at Ashton. "Hey there, my little bug." She kissed all over his face and I could've been dead on the floor without question. My heart swelled in my chest and my cheeks hurt from smiling. I looked over at Aunt Missy and she had her phone out. She winked at me then announced it was time for cake. Izzy got similar presents to the ones I got. "Goodbye. Thanks for coming." I said closing the door behind the last of the guests. "Rocky, can you come in here?" Aunt Missy calledme into the living room. I sat down next to Izabella who had Ashton in her lap. "Izabella's father's trial date has been set. Even though you don't have to testify, your presence is requested." Uncle James said. Izzy looked uneasy. "When will this be?" I asked. "A few months from now. March 7th." Aunt Missy answered. "Good, a few months away. Which means it can go on the back burner right now and stay there." I said. They nodded and left. "Baby?" I turned towards Izzy. She was just staring at the ground. I lifted Ashton off her lap and placed him on the floor to play. "Hey, princess, look at me." I said, taking her hands in mine. She turned and looked at me. "You don't have anything to worry about. It's months from now and all you have to do is just sit there. I'll be with the whole time. I'll be with you as your wife. So let's focus on now, okay?" I said. She didn't say anything at first and I was honestly afraid if she was going to break or not. I was preparing for the worst, whenever she smiled. "I really freaking love you." She said. I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her head. "I really freaking love you too, Love." Days leading up to the wedding, were very stressful. We had to finalize times and triple check that everything was ready to go. Now it's seven a.m. on our wedding, and to say I'm nervous would be an understatement. I couldn't sleep last night because Izabella and I had to sleep apart. I slept over Priscilla's and had to be brought over here by six-thirty. "Ready?" Priscilla came into the room with her make up. She has a duffle bag full, I'm not kidding. I shrugged and she began. Even though it felt like forever, three hours later, my hair and make up was done. I put on my dress and looked in the mirror. I had on a long flowing white dress that has no back and lace on the front. My mom must've looked beautiful in it, nineteen years ago. Speaking of the devil, she walked in. I turned and looked at her and she gasped. "You look so beautiful, baby. My baby girl is really all grown up." I went to hug her but Priscilla practically screamed, "No messing up my masterpiece!" We laughed. "Have you read it?" My mom asked me. I shook my head and looked around the room for the envelope. My eyes landed on it and my mom followed my gaze. She went and got it. "I'll be right out there." She said. She handed me it, kissed my head and left, taking Priscilla with her. Once they were gone, I sat down and carefully opened the envelope. I pulled out the papers and unfolded them.

It said:

A/N: Longest chapter?

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