I'm Only Dreaming...

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"I love you Y/N" he mumbled gently into your shoulder, as you slow danced. The moon-lit roof-top was so magical, it like what dreams were made of...happiness and wonder. 

"I-I love you too..."

"And  CUT!" the director practically screeched as Sean and I stood by away from each other, The Irish fellow crossed his arms and looked over at me with a smile. "That was wonderful! I could FEEL the emotion!" he dramatically spoke as his words danced around the New-York roof-top. "I'm going to catch a taxi...." Sean said whilst looking at me. "Wanna join me (Y/N)?" he asked softly; your heart skipped a beat as you nodded. "Meet me on the corner" and with that; he took a ladder off the roof-top of the building. You quickly walked about; quickly making an outfit change from the dress you were wearing a simple graphic Simpsons tee-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. You quickly took off the heels you wore; the whole 'gag' of the movie that you starred in was that you were a tad taller than Sean, and it made the movie a little bit more fun to work with him. I mean, sure, I think the whole crew knows you have a crush on him...but its acting..not real, besides, you have much better things to do. You quick applied a swipe of lipstick and were off the roof (via the ladder of course) in no less than 5 minutes.

"Hey Y/N!"  Sean had a bright smile on his face, it made you so happy. "I called a taxi just now, there coming okay?" you simply nodded your head with a soft smile as you walked over to him. "awesome! where are we going?" you asked, unsure, "Pizza?"

"Sounds good to me....but before we go  have to ask you something..'


"Why do I love you so much?"

Sean's eyes widened for a few moments.

"CUT!" the director screamed.

man, it was just the right time...

to say the wrong line.

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