Once Upon A Dream...

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                                                                               476 AD

She ran down the hall, zipping past the maids and other palace workers. She ran towards the exit of the tower holding the mounds of fabric that made up her perfect light blue ball gown.

"COME BACK!" somebody yelled behind her. it was Prince Seán, William McLoughlin. He had a wonderful night of dancing with her, but all at just about 11:59 she rushed away. "WHY ARE YOU LEAVING?!" he yelled again, before exiting his father's palace only seeing a few chambermaids. "has anybody seen my Princess?!" he quickly looked around,  to then see a small, dainty shoe on the steps of the palace. it was magnificent, sparkling in the full moonlight. The green haired fellow slowly walked towards the shoe, picking it up gently, and inspecting it with a soft sigh.

"I will find you, princess I promise on my heart that one day we will meet again...."

                                                                -Present Time-

Prince Seán William McLoughlin is named after his great-great-GREAT- grandfather. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom of another young girl his age, who became a chambermaid for the king, whose great-great-great grandmother knew the prince, and they met at a ball....

sounds beautiful...

Jack walked swiftly through the gold and mystical hallways of the old kingdom. As he walked he heard a faint mumble of a cry. He followed it, with a sigh as he stumbled upon a small dust closet. He took a deep breath and opened it up, to reveal a girl, with beautiful (H/C) hair, and old dusty rags on. 

"A-are you okay?" he whisper-yelled to her. She looked up as the faintest of blushes arose from her cheeks. Her magical (E/C) eyes glistened as he picked her up bridal style. Quickly and swiftly; she squirmed out of his hands. "Y-yes I'm fine Prince McLoughlin" she replied; dusting off her ragged old dress.  

"Please; call me Jack" he smiled; as she rubbed her arm nervously. "why were you cry-" he couldn't finish his sentence before she gave him a tight hug.  "t-thank you" she mumbled; as she softly cried into his shoulder. He took the hug back. "No problem.." he mumbled; she let go of the hug to look at him again. "wait.." she turned back into the closet; and brought back the smallest photo frame jack had ever seen; it was old and covered in dust. Jack gasped; it was a portrait that looked of them; dancing. ((A/N yes I know in medieval times they couldn't take photos; somebody took a picture of the painting))  "Y-your the princess?!" he looked at her surprised. "My...great-great grand m-mother was.." she looked down at her bare feet; and smiled. Jack didn't speak but wrapped his arms around her, and sighed; feeling her soft heartbeat against his chest.



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