Good Little Girl... (THIS SOUNDS SMUTTY IT ISN'T-)

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You sat in the last row, right in front of one little delinquent named Sean, or "jack" as he went by. You always had straight A's, and a "little teachers pet" was far from what the teacher thought of you as. you are just....

                                                                          A Good Little Girl.

Jack, on the other hand. Thought of himself as..a "bad boy", due to his father being one of the richest men in the county, he was spoiled. Although he always wore his hoodie inside, and never took off the hood just to annoy the teacher. He had his dark brown hair slightly dyed a dark shade of green. he would always call you "two-shoes" and you re-payed the favor with Mr.Bad-Boy. He was always just a-

                                                                               Bad Little Boy.


The bell blared in your ear with a bling. Your (E/C) eyes shimmered brightly as you looked over at Jack with a smile. He grabbed his things, winking at you before leaving with a slight smirk. You fixed up your uniform quickly, putting on your bag as you grabbed your book with a sigh, flipping the pages and walking out of the room. The halls flooded with boys and girls, you looked up to see nobody. You looked behind you and watched as the students cleared the hallway swiftly. You quickly walked downstairs to the library, the librarian smiled at you. 

"Oh hello (Y/N)!" she looked at you with a sweet smile. "that boy is here you know~" she fixed her glasses and put down her book, placing a small grey colored bookmark inside. (Y/N) chuckled "that is  great to see Mr.Bad-Boy is reading" you smiled as you walked over a few rows of shelf's and books, moving to the soft beats of your heart. You turned a sharp left into the "Classics" section. To see the one and only, green haired fellow, Jack. You cheeks turned a vivid pink shade as you tapped on his shoulder, crossing your arms. He turned around, and took off his hood, chuckling slightly.

Sean's POV:

I placed my finger along the spines of the books, feeling the dust off of them fly into the air.  I took a deep breath as i felt a faint tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see (Y/N). with a slight smile i chuckled slightly seeing her red cheeks made my ears turn a tinge of pink.

"oh- hi (Y/N) obvious why your here-"  i looked down at my hands and looked at the Grimms fairy-tale, "Cinderella" was in my hands. I smiled and looked back up, seeing (Y/N)s magical (H/C) sway side to side, it made my heart quickly skip a beat. she replied with a "Yeah..kinda..." she chuckled and rubbed her arm. i looked at her with a slight smirk, before slowly moving towards her beautiful (E/C) eyes, and closed my own.

Your POV:

I watched as Jack moved close towards me. i closed my eyes to feel his soft lips touch mine. i smiled as i slowly wrapped my hands around his neck.

' a HONOR student-'

                                                       'what happens after t-this..."

'i HAVE to stop this- i- i-'

he deepened slowly into the kiss, i passionately kissed back, and the let go with a gasp and a sudden wanting for more.

"Jack, y-you know this would n-never" 

he gave me a tight hug, i softly snuggled into his shoulder. He took a deep breath, as a followed the beat of his heart with mine

Seans POV

I gave her a hug. a bright blush rose from my cheeks as i let her go with a sigh. a looked at her, as a whispered softly. "i-i know..." i let my finger ponder up to her face, as a slowly cupped her cheek. "but i-i promise...that-' i stopped as she put my hand down with her own. 

"Jack i-i know..."

she took a deep breath and then looked back at the rows of books. 

"B-but i always liked Mr.Bad-Boy in my life..." she playfully put her finger up to her chin, playfully trying to pretend to think.

i giggled as i walked up to her, kissing her passionately again on the lips with a small smile.

She looked over at me and chuckled, putting her dainty finger against my warm lips. "T-this never h-happened"

I watched as she took her hand down, walking away quickly. almost as if she had got "caught" in some way.

i knew she liked me-

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