Majority of them were flipping through the book of tattoos checking out the photos on the wall. Paige must've got everybody written down and checked before I got here.

  First thing I did was take care of anyone that had scheduled appointments. Then I made sure to walked around and made sure every single person's name, what tattoo(s) they wanted, where they wanted them, and the prices were written down. I also answered the phone and got them scheduled.

5 Hours Later

  "Where everybody at?" A voice asked as I squatted down hoping someone restocked the snack cabinet that was behind the front desk.

  "Everybody went home except Dale and Paige." I answered as I grabbed the last small bag of cookies and a water before getting up. "Appointments only."

"Late appointment for Lil Xan. Dale supposed to be doing it." The white boy with low eyes, young Harry Styles hairdo, and gold Grillz. He had tattoos under his eyes, on his neck, and arms from what I could see.

"Well slight problem, Dale and Paige went to grab some 'stuff' for me to roll up, if you know what I mean."

"As you can tell, I'm already halfway up there." He must've been mentioning how low his eyes hung and was sorta dragging on his words whenever he spoke. Plus, you could smell it on him if you were close enough, too.

"I guess you can stay here and wait for them." Walking from behind the desk, I picked up the books of designs left around.

"You're Dales cousin, right?" Xan asked.

"Yup, I'm Jada." I confirm. "You know Dale personally or something?"

"We met 2 years ago at a gas station. Long story short, I saw his tatts and asked him if he could do mine. Been friends ever since." He explained. "All this time, why am I just now meeting you?" After placing the books back on the shelf rack, I went back to sit at the desk.

"Just moved here from campus, 2 months ago. I'm an visual arts and cosmetology major at UCLA."

"That's wassup! When do you graduate?" He asked as he hopped on the desk.

"6 and a half months."

"So you're 21?"

"20. I skipped 9th grade." He nodded in understanding his mistake. "Since we're playing the question game, what's your real name?"

"Diego Leonas. Lil Xan is my rapper name."

Diego and I continued to get to know each other while we waited for Dale and Paige. I told him about college and he told me about rapping and how he got his name. He also showed me his tattoos and told me the meaning behind them. I did the same, except for my right hip of Buddha, I showed him the picture Paige took of it when she was done.

"Damn you're good." Diego said referring to majority of the hand-drawn designs that we're in the book of tattoos and pictures hung on the wall.

"Yup." The bell above the door entrance sounded, meaning someone walked in. "That better be them with food."

"Sorry for the wait, we had a little delay." Dale explained as he propped a bunch of bags on one of the middle round tables where costumers waited and flipped through designs. "We bought In and Out, snacks and drinks for the cabinet, and then the shit we're taking back to our place is in the car."

  "We see you've met Diego?" Paige smirked.

"Mmhmm." I nodded as I shoved my face with fries. 

   Dale, Paige, Diego, and I hung out while waiting for the weed to kick in so it would ease the pain when we got our tattoos done. Paige did the tattoo that I wanted under my breast.

 Paige did the tattoo that I wanted under my breast

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  "Damn Paige, this looks exactly like rih rih's." I complimented as I stood in front of the mirror admiring my new tattoo. "Thanks, I love it!"

  "You know I got you." I helped her clean up in her room before we walked to the front.

  "What you get?" I asked Diego when he walked out with Dale. He pulled his hair back on his forehead and showed me it. "Xanarchy?"

  "Yup. What you get?"

"The same tattoo Rihanna has under her boobs?" I grinned. Lifting my shirt up just above the tattoo, I made sure not to show my breast.

  "That's tight as hell!" Diego was about to touch it but I smack his hand away. "What was that for?"

  "Don't touch."

Diego ended up coming over to Dale and Paige's house to chill. We played games and watched movies. Dale and Paige were getting a little too sexual and went upstairs.

"Now what?"

  "We could finish the movie?"

  "Or I could-" Diego leaned in, hovering over me lips centimeters away as my heart started pounding and my breath hitched, eyes staring into each others. "But then what would happened next? Would you kiss me back-"

  He was teasing me and he knew it. I could tell by the smirk on his face but I didn't care. Our lips connected and my body was straddling his. I ran my fingers through his hair as he roamed his hands over my body.

   "W-wait." I panted pushing him away with my hands on his chest. "We're not doing this on their new couch. Dale would kill both of us."

   "Then where?"

   "My room. It's one of the Guess rooms but it's practically mine. Let's go."

   We ran upstairs to the room. Diego almost went the wrong way causing me to pull him by his shirt. The kissing started again as we removed our clothes. One thing led to another and stuff was happening.



  Next 2 requested Imagines are up next!




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