51. BUCKY: Kidding Me

Start from the beginning

Y/N rolls her eyes. This boy even has HER MOTHER wrapped around his finger! Well, if Y/N knows anything, it's that the Barnes boy will never do anything but annoy her endlessly.

Deciding not to give up so easily, Y/N stomps over to the couch. She pushes little Steve to one side and James to the other while grumbling, "Move," beneath her breath. Steve shuffles out of his sister's way while James chuckles and does the same.

"A bit bossy aren't ya, doll?"

"Not sorry to say that I am," Y/N counters.

James' smirk is big and bold. "No need to apologize. I find it fascinating, actually."

"I don't care how you find it." Y/N shoves James more out of her way as she takes off her shoes.

James shrugs. "And I don't care that you don't care."

"Good." Y/N lets out a long breath that Steve tries to copy before coughing into his arm. Y/N turns to pat him gently on the back before turning back towards James. "But don't take my seat again or I'll take your arm right off of that body of yours."

James doesn't appear to be threatened at all. "Sure thing, doll."


MARCH 2nd, 1933

Y/N sits at the soda shop window with her best friends Patsy and Deb. In her green gingham dress she keeps glancing out to the street where all the nice cars with the glossy wheels drive by. The soda shop plays some hip, bopping music that Y/N doesn't pay enough attention to. She also doesn't pay any attention to the shop door as it opens up and lets in her skinny, blond younger brother and his best friend. The two pals take up a booth across the joint and go back and forth about things that happened at school.

"Jerry had it coming for him." James, more commonly known as Bucky now, kicks up his feet and frowns down at his Levis that now have a smudge of grease on them from greasing his bicycle gears before coming here.

"That's what I said!" Steve throws up those skinny, gangly arms for effect. "But you still dragged me away."

Bucky leans over the table with a frown. "Because he's four times your size, punk! You can't be pickin' fights with brutes." The sixteen year old glances to the waitress as she passes by—noticing how long her legs are. But then he's forgetting all about the random girl as he sees another more familiar one seated by the window in the back.

"Look who's here, Stevie boy."

Steve glances back behind him. "Oh, it's Y/N." He coughs lightly before sniffling. He's caught another cold—the sixth one this year, and it's only April.

Bucky stands up from the booth. Tapping the table, he says, "I think I'll go say hi."

Steve's eyebrows gnarl. "Why? She kinda hates you."

Bucky straightens his leather jacket out. "Not for long." He pushes away some of his hair on his walk over: admiring the way Y/N's head tilts to the side as she laughs. Her hair is curled and long over her shoulders. In the green dress her skin looks even brighter and prettier than it did the day before.

"Oh! Oh. Don't look now, don't look now," Patsy starts to excitedly whisper. She's grabbed Y/N's hand under the table and started shaking it. "But there's a really cute boy walking over now."

Y/N's eyes widen slightly. "Really?" she whispers back. "What does he look like?"

Deb, who is also seated in a good place to see this beckoning stranger, grins. "Oh he's handsome, Y/N. Tall and fit and boy—wait until you see that smirk..."

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