Replaced (Jean X Reader) [AU]

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You sat on the couch, crying. Your eyes turned red from crying. Your head ached from stress and lack of sleep. You never left your unit, you were too weak to leave. You just wanted to lay down and mourn about your lost. You lay on the couch with your furry blanket and wiped your tears with it. Though, it was no use since more tears fell. You sniffed and closed your eyes, only to see darkness. As you open them again, you see darkness again, lights were out, never opened. You gritted your teeth and furrowed your eyebrows as anger started to flood your mind, again. You screamed and threw a pillow on the floor. More tears started to flow, you gasped for air but your nose and lungs were clogged. You gave in and let all the tears out.

"What did i do wrong!?" You shout. You grippped your hair tight and stared at the ceiling.

You heard a knock on your door and heard your best friend, Sasha's voice. "[F/n], open up." She said. You didn't reply, instead you ignored her and cover yourself with your blanket.

"I know you're in there." She said.


"[F/n]..." She said. You took a deep sigh and took all the courage to stand up and open the door for Sasha. You see her on your door step with a box of pizza. You gave her a half smile and let her in.

"Shit [F/n], look at your place. It's so dark and..." Sasha sniffed and said "It reeks." She said. She opend your lights and widened her eyes at the sight. Tissiues and old clothes, and pile of trashes on the floor. She shivered at your place and looked at you with a shocked expression.

"My place looks fine." You said while taking the box of pizza out of her hands and opening it. Sasha sighs and picks up the mess.

"Why don't you call house keeping?" She said.

"Why would I need one when I have you?" You said while chewing on a pizza. Sasha huffed and had a straight face.

"Seriously [F/n], go back to your senses and move on." She said while taking a pizza and eats it. You stared at the pizza for awhile and cried, slightly soaking the pizza with tears. Sasha rushed to you and took the pizza out off your hands. "Easy! You're damaging the pizza!!!" She said.

"Sasha! I don't know what to do without him! I miss him so much! Wasn't I enough?! Where did i go wrong?!" You cried. Sasha went up to you and gave you a tight hugged and stroked your hair.

"Shhh, you didn't do anything wrong and you were more than enough! You did your best!" She said. You responded by a louder cry and screams. Sasha took a deep sigh and rolled her eyes, tiredly. "Stop crying like he just died."

"Sasha! Jean DID die!" You said.

"Okay I don't know what kind of world you're living in, but he's alive and moving on and maybe you should too becuase theres nothing we can do about it." She said.

"For me Jean is dead because he... He left me..." You whispered the last words and sat on the floor hugging your knees and hopelessly mourn. Sasha sighed and helped you up, taking your hand and dragging you all the way to the bathroom. You moaned as you were dragged by the brunette, you tried stopping her but you were too weak. Soon, she placed you in the tub and splashed you with cold water.

"Kyaa! Sasha what the--"

"I'm waking you up." She said while she splashes you with more water.

"I am awake!!" You shout.

"Waking you up to reality!" She splashed one last time and stopped. You breathed heavily for air and stared at Sasha with anger. Sasha raised an eyebrow and you looked away from her. You crossed your arms and pouted.

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