Envy (Actor!Eren x Singer!Reader) [AU]

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Heya!! Long time no update! Sorry for the slow updates, I've been really busy. Plus, Im facing problems right now. Let's just dodge that alright? I'm having insomnia so I decided to finish this one shot. Hope you enjoy


You yawned as you sat on your comfy chair. You took your phone to check if your boyfriend, Eren jaeger texted. You frowned when you saw nothing, but just a picture of you and Eren with big smiles.

You're a very famous singer, almost everyone knows you, loves you, and adores you. But being famous is hella exhausting. You don't have time for your family, friends and for Eren. You were actually worried that he might lost interest in you, or worst me might cheat on you.

But you trust him so you shook that thought away and sighed. Today, you're going home. Like home sweet home and you get to see Eren. You can't wait to go home.

Eren used to attend all of your concerts but suddenly he started to act all weird and stopped attending your concerts. You never knew the reason why but you decided to stay quiet and maybe he's just stressed and having a bad day. So you just leave it be and let Eren rest.

Eren is an actor, and very famous like you and also intelligent. You love him for being him and you love it when he's being a smart ass. You and Eren are opposites, well not really opposites. There's some small things that the two of you like. Like the two of you like the same movies or genre of music.

You heard a knock on your door so you stood up and opened it. You smiled as you saw your manager, Hanji Zoe. "Hanji, come in!" You cheered. Hanji smiled and enters your dressing room. She's holding a stack of papers on her left hand and a pen clipped on it. She sat one of the chairs and pressed the pen open.

'What's this about? Meet ups? Another concert? Perhaps a long vacation!!' You thought.

Usually when Hanji holds a pen and paper it's usually about another concerts or meet ups, or interviews. You're slightly nervous about this. You just wanted to rest.

"So the concert is a success!" Hanji beamed. "You're really great! I saw one of your fans lost her voice because she sang too much and cheered... Hahaha poor girl, I hope she gets well soon." Hanji chuckles and wrote something on the paper.

"Haha, I hope so too." You gave Hanji a warm smile. "So Hanji... What's this about?" You asked. Hanji's smile fade away and she became serious. You felt like you're going to faint, when Hanji's serious then this means shits happening.

"I'm sorry [F/n] but... You have another concert in Tokyo." She said. You exhaled heavily and rubbed your temple.

"It's okay, another one won't hurt right?" You chuckled.

"Sure you can do this? I'm very worried about you. I'm scared that you might be depressed and I'm scared that you might collap--" you cut Hanji off.

"Haha Hanji!! It's fine. Another one is alright. When will it be?" You asked.

"Next month. You'll take a 1 week day off and after that we'll start practicing." Hanji said.

"Yes ma'am!" You gave her a salute.

"Good luck to you." Hanji pats your head and left the dressing room. You sighed and changed into comfortable clothes and lie down to your sofa. You groaned and closed your eyes.

~Time skipuuuu!!~

You heard a familiar voice mentioning your name over and over again. You silently groaned and open one eye. You saw your friend, Petra, looking at you.

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