Chapter 2: Qiri

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Chapter 2: Qiri      

         Rolling over to face away from the sunlight, Aqi opened her eyes to see what she believed to be a terrifying sight. Qiri, mouth open and eyes flickering while dead asleep, frightened Aqi before she remembered their encounter last night. Pushing on her sister's shoulder, Aqi was sure to dodge the waking girl's dangerous arm.

         “Don't wake me at this time in the morning,” the elder sister informed while turning over to lay on her other side. Sure that her sister was just being lazy, Aqi placed a hand on Qiri's shoulder and leaned on her to check the clock. “Euhng! Get off.” Qiri shrugged, trying to dismiss the added weight on her body.

         “It's eight-thirty, if we don't go down to breakfast mom will scold us!” Using her legs and arms, Aqi began to force her sister off of her bed. After landing with a thud on the floor, Qiri groaned.

         “You're a brat,” she stated while staring at the ceiling from her spot on the floor. Leaning over the edge of the bed, Aqi looked down at the almost lifeless form on the floor.

         “I know,” she replied, sticking out her tongue and leaping over the other girl to make her way to the bathroom.

         “If I didn't love you I wouldn't have kept my dress on while sleeping,” Qiri shouted at the closed door threateningly.

         “If you didn't have your dress on, you would have made your happy butt down the hall to your own room and slept in there,” Aqi yelled back while looking for a bar of soap to wash her face with.

         “You're just jealous,”

         “Of what?” Aqi asked, exiting the bathroom while looking her sister up and down with a disgusted expression on her face.

         “My freedom.” Qiri glared at the younger girl as she watched her stalk towards the closet to look for clean clothes. “Does anyone do your laundry?” she asked, walking over to the closet as well and seeing the few contents it held. The younger girl scratched her head while pulling out a blue shirt, then she moved on to her dresser to look for pants and undergarments.

         “Well, I just forget to put it out sometimes.” Aqi had gathered all of the clothing she needed and set them on the counter in the bathroom. After returning back to the bedroom, she looked at her sister curiously. “What were you doing out so late? You have a curfew you know,” Aqi stated, though usually she wasn't interested in her sister's affairs.

         “I was babysitting,” she replied calmly while playing with the different items on Aqi's dresser. “What were you doing out of the house?” she turned around and asked accusingly, settling for twirling a pocket knife in her hand to subside the lack of amusement in life.

         “I hate it here and you know that,” Aqi retorted, slightly frustrated with her sister for asking a stupid question.

         “But it's dangerous out there-”Qiri started.

         “I only get hurt when Yudou or Jaesu mess up. There's hardly anything out there and it's so different. I'm tired of house parties and tea and everything else we have handed to us.” Aqi had cut off her sister in a small fit of anger, throwing her thoughts out randomly.

         “You're getting scolded today and probably punished, you know that right?” the older sister asked, not really caring for an answer as she dropped the knife and picked up her discarded heels from the night before and then she headed out of the room. Groaning in aggravation, Aqi stomped across the room to pick up her knife and placed it back in it's spot on her dresser.

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