{1} An Old Friend's Back

Start from the beginning

Stefan gets in the driver's side and sends me a brief look of confusion, but just leaves any questions he had stirring up unanswered. We drive in comfortable silence the entire way to Mystic Falls high. That's not uncommon between the two of us. Sometimes we think so much that we forget the other's presence. We pull in and immediately Stefan scopes out the place to find that girl, and I watch as his eyes land on her, making me roll my eyes. Young love... oh how temporary. It never lasts, and I say this relationship will last two months top

Stefan and I walk inside the school, our totally inappropriate shades on. We walk inside the office, our papers filled. Weird... Public school, I've never even been to school. "Your records are incomplete. You're missing immunization records, and we do insist on transcripts," The secretary in purple says to us, as Stefan is the one to slip his shades off first. That means ninety-nine Stefan, forty-two Charlotte. I don't understand how he reaches his shades first every time! Especially with all that animal blood!

"Please look again. I'm sure everything you need is there," Stefan says in a monotone voice, staring straight at the woman. He compels her, and I listen into the conversations going on around the school. "I hear they're actually dating..." One gossiper said about Stefan and I. "Who's that hottie with the body?" I heard one guy mutter to someone, and then the rest was about mysterious Stefan, thank goodness. I don't want to hear any more scarring things being said about me.

"Well, you're right. So it is," The secretary says to Stefan and I with a smile. I smile back politely as two girls outside the office talk about us. They ask who I am, and who Stefan is. I then heard the smoothest voice of the two say she senses Seattle, and Stefan plays the guitar. The other one was talking about her being psychic, and they made a sly comment on Stef's back too, I think. I heard one say she'd be back before walking off. After receiving our schedules, Stef pulls me aside and tells me that one of the girls talking was her, the girl he had saved and stayed in Mystic Falls for.

"Thank you," Stefan calls to the secretary as we walk out of the small office together, him sending glares to the boys talking about me. They all quivered a bit as they caught his ice cold glare, and they stop after they receive it. "I'm heading to the bathroom, Char. Don't wander off too far, seeing as we're new here and I don't want to lose you just yet, like you always do when we go someplace new." I scoff jokingly and cross my arms, deciding to just send him a nod.

I watch as Stef walks up to the bathroom door, but a girl walks out with a bag slung over her shoulder and a light jacket on. The two clash together, causing me to wince. Stefan looks at the girl, then the door sign, then the girl again. "Uh, pardon me. Um...is this the men's room?" Stefan asks, obviously confused. I swallow down a laugh, seeing as both of them are pretty awkward right now, even Stefan. I cringe at the encounter, not thinking much of it.

"Yes. Um, I was just, Um—I was just—It's a long story...." the girl explains, and Stefan doesn't question it, only steps to pass at the exact same time she does. He then steps aside for her and the girl thanks him, before walking away. Stefan goes into the bathroom, and I stare at my schedule. He used my same last name: Fray. I decide it wouldn't do any harm to find my class and text Stef once I'm inside. I look at the room number and saw that the number was #233, Mr. Tanner's class, American history. I walk to the room and sit, forgetting to text Stefan about where I went. The bell rang and after seven minutes had passed, Stefan walks in, a relieved look on his face when he sees me. He sits in front of me as Tanner asks why he was late.

"Sorry sir, I was looking for my sister. I didn't know where she went," Stefan explains, sending me a glare. I shrug as I text him: 'Sorry. I meant to text you, if that makes anything better...?' He looks down at his phone, explaining in another text that it doesn't, and that I should've listened to him. I agree in a text with him and he sighs. Tanner quickly changes the attendance, marking Stefan as present before he starts to drone on about our history.

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