Jack Barakat Imagine

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You heard the front door open and smiled to yourself. It was most likely Jack.

"(Y/N), I’m home!" he called and you stood up from the couch and made your way to the hallway to greet him. You however stopped dead in your tracks when you noticed that someone was with him. Alex. You didn’t hate Alex, but he hated you. You had no idea why.

"J-Jack, can you come with me for a second?" you asked and he nodded, raising an eyebrow and following you to the kitchen, leaving Alex behind.

"What’s up?" Jack looked at you and placed his hands on your waist. His gesture made you smile a bit.

"Jack… It’s not that Alex being here bothers me but… He doesn’t like me! He hates me!" you said in a low voice, making sure Alex couldn’t hear your conversation.

"What? No he doesn’t"

"Yes he does." you looked at him seriously and he sighed.

"(Y/N), I’m sure that when he’s mean to you, he’s not serious." Jack said and you looked down, letting out a heavy breath.

"Hey guys, are you fucking or what? ‘Cause you’re taking pretty long!" Alex chuckled and you rolled your eyes. You prayed he wouldn’t get on your nerves tonight.

Jack decided to order pizza and watch movies, you did that pretty often but… Alone. This time, there was Alex. He hadn’t insulted you or anything like that but he made bad jokes or comments about everything you did and said. Jack stayed silent and you practically mentally slapped him for being so oblivious.

"Oh shit!" Alex exclaimed after spilling his glass of beer on the floor.

"Alex! Can’t you be more attentive?!" you screamed and he gave you a death glare.

"Shut up, you whore. You have nothing to tell me."

"Excuse me?" your jaw was hanging open. You glanced at Jack, he was awkwardly sitting on the couch, saying nothing.

"I said shut up. Dammit you always have to make a big deal of everything. I wonder why Jack is still with such a whore like you, you useless bitch." his words stung really bad. It was too much and you felt the salty tears rolling on your cheeks. Before you knew, you were sobbing and running to your room. You slammed the door and let yourself fall to the floor, your face covered by your hands and tears pouring out of your eyes.

"What the fuck dude?! Do you fucking think it’s okay to insult my girlfriend?!" you heard Jack yell from downstairs.

"What? I just said the truth! Why are you dating her? I don’t get it!" Alex yelled back and you heard glass shatter. Jack must have thrown his glass to the floor.

"You take back everything you said about her or I swear to God it’s gonna get ugly." you moved from your room to the staircase, where you could hear and see everything without being seen. Jack had indeed thrown his glass on the floor and his face was red of anger.

"And what you’re gonna do huh? Waste all those years of friendship for just a girl?" Alex stood up and faced Jack. They were both very very angry. ‘It’s my fault’ you told yourself and wiped away more tears.

"She’s not just a girl, Alex. I’m in love with her. She makes me so damn happy, can’t you see that? She makes me smile and laugh and she’s just amazing! You just can’t understand that, can you? Don’t you see that it’s fucking hurting me to see my best friend ever and the love of my life fight whenever they’re around each other? I’m sure if you got to know her, you’d like her because she’s none of the things you called her. And don’t you ever dare call her a whore or a bitch ever again." Jack’s voice was suddenly calmer and you smiled slightly at what he just said.

"I’m so freaking stupid. Jack I’m sorry. I… I don’t know what had gotten into me. I’m sorry." Alex sighed and ran a hand through his brown hair.

"I think you should apologize to (Y/N). You hurt her a lot after all." Jack replied and you ran back into your room once you understood that they were making their way upstairs.

"(Y/N)? Baby can you open the door?" Jack knocked on the door and you slowly opened it, noticing your skunk haired boyfriend smiling slightly at you, Alex behind him.

"Alex has got something to tell you."

"(Y/N) I’m sorry for being mean to you. I’m a real jerk" Alex apologized and scratched the back of his neck. You didn’t know what to say, you weren’t surprised or anything, you just stayed silent.

"Look, can we start over and do like nothing had happened?" he asked and you looked at Jack who was watching the both of you.

"I’m (Y/N)." you extended your hand to shake his and heard Jack let out a small chuckle.

"Alex" Alex replied and shook your hand, a smile playing on his lips.

"Well, I guess we’re all good now." Jack smiled and engulfed you in a tight hug. You hugged him back and smiled widely.

"Hey let me get involved!" Alex said and wrapped his arms around the both of you, making everyone laugh.

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