This is halloween - Alex Gaskarth

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"Can you do a Alex Gaskarth or a Tony Perry imagine, where its halloween, and you go inside a haunted house but get trapped inside. And it was a prank made from the rest of the members of PTV or ATL."

I really loved this request! I decided to do Alex instead of Tony only because I feel like this is more of an all time low kinda imagine?¿ like it just seems like a prank Jack, Rian and Zack would do. I hope this is what you wanted!


Halloween, it was your favorite holiday. You loved dressing up and going out to a bar or staying inside watching halloweened themed movies. You just over all loved Halloween. You didn't really have a family to spend it with, your family all lived far away from Baltimore, they had moved to California quite a long time ago, leaving you to be on your own. You had never known what a true family had felt like anyway.

It would be one of the first times that you would be going out with your group of friends, them being in a band and all made it hard to make plans on most days of the year because of tour dates. Fortunately this year they had a whole two weeks off including Halloween.

You were dressed as Cat women, you had a tail, mask and an above the knee black leather dress. Her style was quite sexual... too sexual for you to ever pull off so you attempted to make it more kid friendly.

Once you were finished your makeup and such you heard a loud honk outside that came from Vinny's mini van. You smiled and ran down the stairs.

You were now in Vinny's van, it had like, a million seats.
You sat in between Jack and Rian.

"So... what are our plans for tonight?" You asked.

There was a long moment of silence before Zack spoke up, "Haunted house."

'God dammnit', you thought as you nervously played with your hands. As much as you loved Halloween you fucking hated Haunted houses. They were cliche as fuck. You kind of lied to yourself on not being scared of them though, because you obviously were scared shitless.

Alex sat on the other side of Zack, Alex hadn't talked to you the whole way there, you knew it wasn't your fault though.
He had broken up with Lisa weeks before, they were engaged and had been together off and on for years, it would only make sense for him to feel shitty about the whole thing. But she was starting to be a bitch to everyone and rubbing the engagement in fans faces. Alex couldn't stand it, and then he just decided to break it off.

You had known Alex since you were 13 and not once did he ever show an interest in you, atleast not in that way. I mean he'd hint at a couple things but other than that you were completely friendzoned. You liked Alex, a lot and cared for him like no other person had cared for him in his life. He didn't see you in the way you saw him though and to be honest it hurt the Fuck out of you.


You were finally at this 'haunted house.' Vinny, Matt, Zack, Rian and Jack ran in. You were nervous and Alex knew you so well that he knew you would chicken out. Alex grabbed your hand, you looked at him confused.

"I'll be right here, I won't let anything hurt you." And after that you shrugged and said "Oh why the fuck not." And walked into the more than intimidating house.

A lot of things had popped out at you, fake cobwebs hanged from above your head, and creepy screaming noises came from the speakers inside of the house. Over all it wasn't as scared as you thought.
The rest of the boys must have been outside already waiting for you and Alex considering you hadn't seen them inside of the house the whole time. When you had gotten to the end door something weird had happened.

You went to go push on it, but the door wouldn't operate.

"What the fuck?" You said under your breath. You pushed it open again. Nothing.

"Here let me try." Alex insisted, you moved out of his way for him to attempt and when he did the same thing had happened.

"Fucking hell-" He grunted as he pushed harder.

You started panicking inside, this could not be fucking happening.

The both of you went to the opening of the haunted house were you had started off at.. the door was closed and the same thing happened. It just wouldn't budge. The both of you were banging on the door screaming for help in tears as scary music and screams played from the speakers, drowning the two of you out.

The both of you gave up on the fifth thousandth scream for 'help.'
You both collapsed to the ground beside eachother.

"Y/N?" Alex almost said in a whisper, a lump in his throat being the cause.

"Yeah Alex?"

"If we die-" you interrupted,

" We wont fuckin die-"

"SHUT UP OKAY JUST SHUT UP LET ME SPEAK" and with that you stayed quiet.

"If we die, I just, I just wanted to say that.." He paused for minute and turned his head to look at you deeply in the eye.

" I love you." Those words brought tears to your eyes. You put your hand on his cheek and stroked it softly as tears stained your pale cheeks.

"I love you t-" but you were interrupted by Vinny, Matt, Rian, Zack and Jack jumping out in front of you saying,

They took in the scene of you and Alex practically fondling one another.

"OUR PLAN FUCKING WORKED!" Rian cheered in joy.

"Jesus christ." You and Alex both said under your breath as you both watched the five boys dancing around. You rested your head on Alex's shoulder and chuckled at the boys.

That was family.

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