She tilted her head at his suggestion, "August as much as I would love to relax-"

"Danilo." The cheers started up again, causing Siberia's heart to race.

Kane snorted and huffed. Relax, like any one of these betas can actually defeat you.

I'm not nervous about defeating them, I'm nervous about losing control. I can only channel your eyes if I stay concentrated.

Don't worry about staying concentrated, I figured out how to do it through the bond with out your help. We got this.

"Emil." Hardly any cheers were heard for the askar that had stepped off the train.

August put down his wine glass and nodded to the guards, they took up their positions while Gwen and Collette swarmed around Siberia and fussed at her hair and armor.

She stood absolutely still, letting the maids do their work. I can't wait until this is finally over.

Kane's laughter filled her thoughts, You know you'll miss it when the tournament is over. August might even keep them for you for when you're retired to be a breeder.

August waved the two away and came over to Siberia, looking deep into her eyes. He brushed a strand of her hair away from her face, "You worked hard for this Siberia, show them who you are."

She pulled on their bond, letting her eyes shift. Her heartbeat slowed as she closed off her emotions and grounded herself to the soul bond.


August pulled her into the center of the guard line, with Lady Arin right behind them. With a flick of his hand, the door slid open, letting in the scent of anticipation from the crowd. One final glance at Siberia, he signaled for the guards to begin the procession.

Golden eyes fixated on the guard in front of her, she moved on foot in front of the other feeling the mood change as she stepped onto the platform. The crowd began screaming her name, cheering and moving forward to catch a glimpse of the shewolf.

Let's give them a show, shall we? Kane rumbled.

Siberia grinned and let her canines show, eliciting a response from the crowd. She straightened her posture and kept her eyes forward, occasionally throwing side glances to the people. August looked at her and grinned, putting his hand on the small of her back, causing people to lose their mind.

"Siberia! Siberia!"

She turned and saw a fan break through the barrier, running straight for her. Snarls erupted from her chest, but she couldn't get her claws out fast enough as the guards jumped into action and Killian grabbed the fan by the neck.

"No! Siberia! Please listen to me! She's in danger! You're in danger!" The woman was shrieking over the roar of Killian's snarls and clawed at his hand.

August's eyes flared purple, "Dispose of her quickly, we have to keep moving before something else happens."

"My pleasure." Killian growled and tightened his hand around her throat.

"No." She ordered calmly, her voice barely a whisper but the power vibrated through her. "Let me."

August attempted to stop her, "Siberia we need to keep moving. Let Killian do his job."

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