Bonus Chapter

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This is the Bonus chapter for 300 reads! Great job everyone! This Chapter is when Remi gave Anri to Mirayuki.

(Mirayuki's point of view)

"I'm only going to get worse Yuki! Please take Her, she doesn't have a name yet but she's a good horse." Remi told me while trying to get me to take the white leathered reins from her hands.

It wasn't that I didn't want a horse, nor was it that she wasn't a great horse. She was magnificent! She was a black Mare. She also had a white saddle and white reins. Not to mention her jet black mane and tail.

"I can't Remi, she's your horse!" I yelled back at her. Remi starts to cough violently and falls to the ground.

"Remi!" I grab her and feel that her forehead is burning up.

"Please let her see the world, otherwise she'll never get another chance to escape." Remi coughed out at me.

Her parents came rushing to her and took her from my arms. The father stayed for a moment with me and says "I'm sorry but you'll have to stay away from now on, Yuki. She's just so sick now and you really don't want to catch it." After that he runs back into his house.

I decide then to take up my horse's reins and began to slowly walk back to the hotel father was staying at. On the way there I began to talk to my horse.

"Well I suppose you'll need a name." I bluntly told it then decided to continue "What about Akiro?" I asked it and oddly enough it shook its head no.

"Alright then how about Ray?" I chuckle a bit at it. Then just like the first time it shook its head no.

"Alright what about Anri?" Finally the horse nodded a yes to me and made a small noise.

"Alright Anri welcome to my family then."

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