The Snow has become Tears

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Ina is inari mom


Wendy POV

"Take care of NARUTO!" Tou-san yell outside before going to the bridge to protect Tazuna-san with the rest "hai!" I yell back not knowing if they heared me.

I went down and help Miss Ina wash the dishes and doing other chores.

1 hour later

As I put one blanket in the basket. " ahhh! I over slept!" I hear Naruto shout I can particularly hear the worry in his voice on how late he is.

I sigh, I pick up the rest of the laundry into the basket and went in the house to see Naruto look ready to go, I blink

That was quick

"Lets go Wendy-chan were late!" Naruto yell as he put his shoes and sprinted off the house "be careful!" Miss Ina yell from tge kitchen "hai!" I reply back before closing the door.

" why did you not wake me up wendy-chan!" Naruto ask as I finally catch up with him " kakashi-sensei told me you need rest." I answer his question , Naruto pout " I dont need rest! bakashi-sensei" Naruto whine(is this right spelling) childishly


I like how the gaki say his name and not only that I think it's fate that baka ryhme with kakashi . All you got to do is change the k to b and there you have Bakashi, oh I
Love the CAincidence(coincidence)

Another pun

It just show how smcat(smart) I am

Hai hai

Then I notice scratch marks in the surrounding tree it look like it been slash by a sword and not only that I notice it is headed to Miss Ina house. I look at Naruto surprisingly also notice it so we both headed there praying that they will be alright.

" let go of my mom!" I saw Inari shout as he trued to punch with his tiny fist to the kidnapper. I saw the two kidnapper smirk as they unleash their katana about to cut Inari , I was ready ti stop them but Naruto beat me to it.

"Sorry for being late, but a hero usually show up late." Inari look shock and Naruto grin " good job Inari!" Inari look so happy for momment then Naruto lay don miss I a slowly.

" well.. well.. it isn't one of the ninjas that Taxuna hired." One of the kidnappers said but Naruto ignore them " thanks for the distraction with out I would not be able to save your mother." Naruto said as he look at the kidnapper witha smirk, I smile then I look at miss Ina if she had any injury but none so Im glad .

Naruto beat them the kidnappers with a weird kick and arm postion.
His right arm cover his face to the left .(dab kick)

I just like how he kick them but I am very against it, so basicallyI really hate violence.

"How did you know them coming here?" Inari asked as while me and naruto tied kidnappers "oh I saw a cut up boar and some scratches on trees too and it seem going to your house." Naruto said surprisingly knowledgeable. "Nevermind about that and Inari I am sorry about yesterday." Inari look confuse as I see naruto blush with his usual grin " he he sorry for calling you a sissy." He said as he rub his head then he pat Inari head " your strong Inari" naruto said in a convincing way while
me feeling watching a brotherly momment and a best angle as well
, it make me want cry.

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