Chapter Twelve

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- Regina's POV -
2 months had gone by and I had not been feeling any better. After the first few weeks I began to worry. I decided out of all my will not to, I would go to the doctors.

The only reason I was so against going was because of who the doctor was...Dr Whale. Our past hadn't exactly been the best and everyone knows we are in need of another doctor. I went against my strong will not to and went anyway, they ran a few tests on me but couldn't find anything.

They asked me some really odd questions like when I had last had sex which I thought was strange considering I only went in about maybe having a fever but I decided not to question the professionals.

The next 2 weeks continued the same, I would feel nauseous a lot of the time and most foods I had to hide away from. I had missed out on a few annual dinners at grannies considering my current state and had stayed indoors most of the time.

After the first month I really began to worry that I was indeed badly ill and maybe I had actually been diagnosed with something. I remember one night i felt so ill I didn't know what was wrong, I rang up Snow in a panic and she calmed me down before coming over and trying to sort me out.

The next morning we then had gone to the doctors once again so ask, and this time they took more tests and this time came back with more drastic results.

I remember being sat on the patient bed, and Snow stood next to me holding my hand tightly as the doctor came back in holding a clipboard with some documents on. Her face was neutral so it was hard to try and read her but then she told us.

I remember the shock over taking my body and I felt frozen, I remember turning to Snow and she was smiling with joy and surprise but I just couldn't manage to take the information in. It was so overwhelming, I was shaking like crazy still clinging onto Snows hand even tighter now, I'm surprised I didn't break it.

The words the nurse had said kept ringing through my ears on repeat, I think because I hadn't yet processed it that's why I didn't have any feelings, no happiness or sadness just shock.

Even now after yet another month, and a few more checkups I still had that moment ring through my head. The nurse peering down at the clipboard before looking at me, her mouth slowly opening as she said:

"Well we got back some results we were not at all expecting. It seems that in fact Miss Mills you are actually pregnant"

Those last few words kept ringing through my head again and again

"You are actually pregnant" over and over.

How could I be? Why should I be? Is that a good or bad thing? Am I ready? What about Hook? How will he react? What if he doesn't want a child? What if I have to raise it on my own? Will I be a good mother?

Over and over these questions shot through my head, wondering how all of this could of happened in such a short amount of time. I remember sitting there stone cold not blinking just shaking and Snow having the speak to the nurse.

I heard faint mumbling as my ears began to ring so loudly I couldn't hear them properly anymore. Even now two months in I still have moments where i panic. Going to the appointments with Snow, and sitting on that bed watching the nurse pull that thing over my stomach which now seemed to have grown and that little screen showing some what of a baby.


This morning I woke up early again, my stomach now seeming to a slight bit made it harder to sleep. Although there wasn't actually a bump there yet it still was uncomfortable to sleep on.

Snow had offered to take me to the appointments and look after me as she had already had two children so she knew a lot about what to do. I may of had Henry but I never went through the pregnancy stages with him so I have no experience at all.

I still hadn't told Hook the news, I was still trying to process it after a month of finding out so I wasn't yet prepared or in the right mindset to be telling anyone else yet. I had made Snow promise that she would not say a word, I know in the past she has been known to be terrible at keeping secrets but she knew personally that this is one you definitely do not spill.

I got up and stood over by the full length mirror before pulling up my pajama top slowly to reveal my belly and notice how it has grown a little bit, maybe not visible to anyone else but it was to me.

I smile as I turn to the side slightly and imagine how in a few months time it would look. I couldn't imagine me waking round with a huge bump, I had always managed to keep such a slim figure my entire life so I have no idea of what I would look like any differently.

I've had moments where I've dazed off and imagined the future, me Hook and Henry all sat round together and me holding the new baby, one happy little family.

I knew for now I had to keep it a secret, I would eventually tell everyone especially Hook I just had to find the right time to do so.

- Hook's POV -
We were invited for yet another annual dinner at grannies, I wondered if this time Regina would be joining us or not. For a while now she hasn't joined considering how ill she has been for a while, it really worries me how she still doesn't seem better but hopefully it isn't anything too big.

We all meet at grannies and sit around and chat, a little while later the door bell jangles to the door and everyone turns and I spot as Regina walks in and my face lightens up.

"Regina!" I say before making my way through people towards the door and pull her into a tight embrace

"Does this mean you're feeling better?" I ask and as we step back she smiles

"Yeah, much better" she replies.

I pull her under my arm before we walk back into the crowds of people and over to a booth.

By now everyone was aware of me and Regina being a thing, so we weren't worried about having to hide our affections anymore.

Hopefully this meant all that worry Regina had mentioned about a while back was gone now as no one had acted out against us or even tried to question it. We chatted and drank for hours, and it felt great to finally have Regina back with us for the celebrations, it had been quite lonely for a while without her being here.

Just as me and Regina were discussing how we hadn't been under attack in a while, Snow appeared

"Hey, do you mind if I borrow Regina a moment?" she asks and I nod before Regina kisses me and gets up, and her and Snow walk out of the diner.


My other books:
Until The End
Unpredicted Love
Love That Hurts
Who Are We Fooling
Second Chances
Follow my Instagram linked in my bio, to be updated whenever I post a new chapter or need your guys's advice on something 🖤

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