Chapter Two

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                       - Regina's POV -
"Regina" Hook said before he pulled me in closer my face inches from him.

I stared up in shock at what was happening but I couldn't move, I was limp against his body pressed up as his arms were wrapped around my waist he pulled me in tighter and kissed me.

Our lips smashed together as he wrapped me closer to him, I reached my arms up and wrapped them around his neck.

We kissed for a while, our tongues dancing together, it felt right and good and I didn't even think about who I was kissing, before we finally pulled away and I looked up to see Hook and it hit me.

I stepped backwards gasping before raising my hands up to my mouth

"Hook? Hook?! What-what are you doing-what are we doing!" I shouted alarmed at what we just done and how wrong and confusing and unexpected it was.

Hook stared back at me "I'm-I'm sorry Regina I don't know what came over me I just-" but I cut him off

"No, lets just-not let's not say anything okay just forget this ever happened" I snapped, awkwardly scratching my cheek before walking back to the entrance of the van and trying to climb up.

Great I couldn't even escape this awkward moment because now Hook is going to have to help me get back up again, he sighed before he walked over and helped hitch me up holding my waist again but this time bolts shot through my body at his touch and I tried to ignore it.

I got out on the other side and began to rush off leaving Hook behind but he rushed after me

"Regina, wait I'm sorry!" he shouted but I ignored him and continued to walk ahead.

- Hook's POV -
I rushed up to Regina, who was purposely trying to ignore me but I caught up to her, she can't get very far in heels.

"Regina please" I said and she spun round, glaring at me

"What?" She snapped

"I'm sorry" he replied

"I know you've already said that, want to say it one more time? I don't think I heard the first few" she snapped sarcastically and this time I felt the insult.

Normally I wouldn't react to her insults as I was used to them but after kissing her this time I felt it.

"Regina, look I don't know why I did that, I just I felt something towards you and I just didn't know what i was doing" she crossed her arms and continued to glare at me not replying

"Regina, why are you so annoyed? I'm not with Emma anymore and Robin-" but she stopped me

"No! Don't you dare mention Robin, I swear I will rip your throat out" she snapped now clutching her hand in a claw trying her best not to choke me, I stepped back with my hands up in defence

"Regina..." I said wearily stepping back, she paused for a moment before suddenly realizing what she was about to do and quickly dropping her arm away and spinning round clutching her hands together.

"Im sorry, I just.." she said trailing off but I knew what she meant.

Regina had never been one to show emotions and when she did usually they were very extreme, any little thing could rattle her and you didn't want to get on her bad side as that especially was the worst, but I knew she didn't mean it and it was only an instinct.

I walked over to her, close behind her back and put my hands onto her shoulders.

                       - Regina's POV -
I stood with my back to Hook, clutching my hands in guilt and shock that I had actually just tried to choke him, I didn't mean to it's just when he mentioned Robin the feelings and anger over took me and I shot at him.

Suddenly I felt his hands wrap around my shoulders firmly and he spun me round to face him, I looked up still clutching my hands with tears in my eyes and he smiled

"Regina, it's okay love" he said and I feel the emotions over run me.

Robin had always been scared of me when I got like this and never understood, he would say he knew how I was and didn't mind but I knew what he thought of me, a monster.

I felt a tear begin to roll down my cheek and I quickly turned around not wanting Hook to see me cry, I hated looking weak to people.

Part of me wanted him to stay with me but another wanted him to go and leave me, I was in a emotional state and god knows what I would do. I was worried I might do something I'll regret, but most of all I was worried I might hurt him.

"Hook- could you please go" I said and there was a pause of silence for a moment before I heard him step closer once more

"Regina, no you need-" he said and hearing him keep trying to stay made me more angry

"Hook!" I snapped "I-I said I wanted you to just...go" I said waiting and after a few moments I heard footsteps receding away into the forest and I turned back round to see him walking off into the distance.


My other books:
Until The End
Unpredicted Love
Love That Hurts
Who Are We Fooling
Second Chances
Follow my Instagram linked in my bio, to be updated whenever I post a new chapter or need your guys's advice on something 🖤

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