Chapter Five

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                         - Regina's POV -
Tears filled my eyes as I stumbled along mainstreet and back towards my house. A man approached me from across the road and asked if I was okay and without thinking I snapped

"I'm fine" glaring at him as I used my magic and whoosed him across the street and he collapsed onto the ground.

I glanced down at my hands now trembling at what I had just done and I began to run once again. I got to my house and inside before slipping off my shoes one by one and slipping down against the wall, I put my head into my hands and brought my knees up to me.

I felt like such an idiot, I can't believe I though that he would wait. Obviously not I mean I told him that I didn't want anything to do with him, but I then expected him to ignore that and still of course he wouldn't it was a stupid thing to think.

I sat for a while longer, before finally pulling myself together and getting up. I glanced over and caught myself in the mirror, my hair was messy, my eyes puffy and mascara smeared all down my cheeks.

I glared at myself and felt disappointed and angry at how I looked, that I bent down and picked up one of my heels before throwing it straight at the mirror and it shattered into a million pieces across the wooden floor below.

- Hook's POV -
I watched as Regina turned and rushed out of grannies, I could tell she was close to crying and I wanted to run after her. This was all my fault, I should of never come on this date with Emma. I only done it to try and move on from Regina but instead all I did was hurt her, she had expected to me of still been waiting and I should of been, I should never of tried to move on so fast it's pointless.

I walked back with Emma and dropped her off at home before apologising but she insisted it was fine and not to worry, she didn't know I had feelings for Regina and I couldn't tell her.

After I got back to the bed and breakfast I sat on the edge of my bed staring out the window, part of me was saying to go to sleep and forgot about all of this but another part of me was saying to get up and go find Regina, go to her house.

Unfortunately the other part of me was a much stronger urge and eventually I got up and left. As I walked down the street towards her house, I had no idea what I was going to say or do. All I knew was that I had to let her know that I hadn't moved on, that I still had feelings for her.

I got to her house and I stepped up onto the porch before knocking on the door, I stood impatiently wondering how this would go, I peered around and noticed there was a car, packed down by her garage I glanced round to get a better look but had no idea who's car it was.

- Regina's POV -
After sitting in the living room for a while, angry and upset and still slightly drunk. I decided to call someone, I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts before I spotted a name, Graham.

In the past me and Graham had, had affairs but it was cut off after he decided to move on to Emma but that also didn't last long. Since then there had been no contact between me and him as well as him and Emma but I still knew he was around.

I quickly dialled the number and it began to ring, before he finally picked up.

"Regina?" he spoke, his voice was husky and deep, I said one thing and he answered before ending the call.

A few moments later, I heard a car pull up outside, and I pulled back the curtain on the window to reveal Graham, stepping out of his car. I sassyed over to the door, opening it as he appeared on the doorstep.

I glanced at him before he shot forward and grabbed my face, kissing me hard on the lips. He then pushed me back up against the wall and I raised my foot and used it to slam the door closed.

Then he continued kissing me, and from there things began to escalate. Just then as Graham was on top of me and we were both in only our underwear, the doorbell went and I jumped up.

"Who the hell could that be at this time of night?!" I exclaimed, wearily zipping my dress back up and Graham putting his jeans and top back on.

I hurried over to the door before sorting my hair out and then opening it slowly, I peered round as it opened

"May I help you?" I asked but then I saw, it was Hook.

- Hook's POV -
I heard heels clicking faster over to the door, before it slowly opened and Regina appeared from behind

"May I help you?" she said before turning and spotting me.

Her face turned cold and she stared in shock

"Hook?!" she said and I stared back

"Regina...I..I needed to see you..I-" but as I was talking I looked inside and noticed Graham, walk out of the living room, doing his belt back up.

I sighed obviously realising what this meant before turning to leave

"Don't worry, you're clearly busy anyway" I snapped and Regina stepped out onto the porch

"Hook No! You don't get to be self righteous with me! Okay? You went on a date with Emma" she snapped and I spun round

"A date! It's not like I slept with her!" I shouted now positioning my view at Graham and Regina huffed in anger

"Because you were on a date with Emma! Why does it matter anyway it's not like we are together! I mean we aren't even anything, since you decided to move on! So I have too!" she shouted.

I had come to her house to try and fix what I thought was my mistake but seeing as she had already changed her mind, there was no point me even bothering anymore.

So I turned and stormed away, leaving Regina stood on the porch.


My other books:
Until The End
Unpredicted Love
Love That Hurts
Who Are We Fooling
Second Chances
Follow my Instagram linked in my bio, to be updated whenever I post a new chapter or need your guys's advice on something 🖤

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