Chapter Ten

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- Regina's POV -
We all sat in the living room, everyone was chatting and eating cake. I sat across in the arm chair suddenly beginning to feel a bit nauseous. I had been feeling strange for a few hours now and I wasn't sure why, maybe the party had got the best of me and I was just overwhelmed still.

I thought nothing off it, probably just the cake Snow brought, I always told her she was a bad cook but she never listened. I sat quietly listening in to everyone's conversations when suddenly I had a sudden flush off nausea again, this time worse.

I quickly got up and rushed out of the living room with a quick "excuse me " before hauling myself across the hall and into the downstairs toilet, before hunching over the toilet and throwing up what I'd have to eat that day.

I groaned as I sat back against the wall before wiping my mouth and gasping in shock and confusion.

Why had I just been sick? Was Snow's cake really that bad?. I continued to question in my head when suddenly I noticed someone edged by the door, I slowly peered up weakly to notice Emma stood by the door holding onto the frame looking down at me worriedly.

"Regina? Are you alright?!" she said concerned and I mumbled

"I'm fine...probably just something I ate" but Emma didn't buy it

"Are you sure?" she questioned once more and now I began to get frustrated.

How could she think I was lying, could she not see I had literally just thrown up. I rolled my eyes before pulling myself up by the sink and brushed myself down.

Emma watched as I got up and smiled seeming relieved I was okay but before I could walk back out I suddenly then was shooting back round and over the toilet to throw up once more.

Emma sighed before leaning forward and pulling my hair back in a make shift ponytail out of the way and rubbed my back as I vomited.

I hated that she was being nice and helping me, we were supposed to hate each other but for some reason she made it so hard for me to do that.

She really was a charming, never giving up on me and always trying to be friends, it's so irritating but right now I appreciated the help. I finished throwing up before sitting back again and this time thankfully I was finished.

Emma went into the kitchen and brought me a glass of water and I sipped some cautiously unaware of my stomach issues but hopefully it stayed down.

Emma looked at me with pity before turning back to look towards the living room where chatter was quietly heard still.

"I think I'll tell everyone it's best we go home? Leave you to rest maybe" Emma exclaimed but I didn't answer instead I just sipped some more water.

She smiled subtly before walking back to the living room and I heard muffled voices before people stood up and began to make their way into the hallway.

I felt embarrassed to be seen this weak and vulnerable but I had no choice, if I tried to get up and hide it I was worried I may throw up again so instead I decided to stay sat up against the bathroom wall on the floor.

I heard as the door opened and a few footsteps receded out of the front door before it closed. Someone returned by the door and I peered up to see Emma again.

I sighed in relief that everyone else must of gone but also still concerned on why Emma hadn't left too. As she came forward and slowly helped me up I stared at her confused

"Emma? How comes you're still here" I asked and she looked at me taken back

"Regina?! You're unwell and I'm not just going to leave you here alone" Emma exclaimed before helping me up the stairs.

I peered around wondering where Henry was and Emma seemed to catch on

"Henry, went with Snow and David if you're wondering. I thought it would be best if he got out of your way" Emma replied and I nodded.

Just then we got to my room and Emma helped me sit down onto the bed before placing some aspirin on the side along with the glass of water. I sat there as she receded to the door and turned back to face me

"If you need anything just call me okay?" she asked and I nodded.

Thank god she was leaving, I was appreciative for her concern but really I was fine. I had just thrown up twice that's all, it must of been something I ate that day or maybe even Snow's cake who knows.

I didn't need to be looked after and treated like I was ill, I was fine.

I groaned before plucking up the aspirin and gulping it down with some water, before getting up and going back downstairs.

If it was one thing about me and the charmings I don't take orders from them, so when Emma said to rest and stay in bed of course I wasn't going to do that, hell I wasn't even ill for goodness sakes.

As I got into the hallway I felt it overtake me once more and I groaned as I rushed back to the toilet for yet another unexpected throwing up.


My other books:
Until The End
Unpredicted Love
Love That Hurts
Who Are We Fooling
Second Chances
Follow my Instagram linked in my bio, to be updated whenever I post a new chapter or need your guys's advice on something 🖤

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