Chapter Eight

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- Regina's POV -
After being in a mass of people for a few hours, I decided to step outside for some fresh air. I stood out the front of grannies before thinking about what had happened, I was stupid. I had just told Hook that I lied about being with Graham and I'm sure he is still with Emma so I just made a fool of myself.

Watching him go off with Emma made my chest ache and I know that I had played around with his feelings and he was only with Emma because I had told him to move on but it still made me feel upset to see him with her.

I stood outside for a while before the bell jangled and the door opened, I turned around to see Hook coming down the steps

"Regina...there you are" Hook said some what relieved "I've been looking everywhere for you" he added and I sighed, putting my hands into my coat pocket

"I just needed some fresh air that's all, todays been pretty overwhelming" I said through a subtle smile and Hook looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"I got you a little something I know it's not much but.." Hook said nervously before pulling out a little box with a necklace in and handed it to me.

I gasped as I opened it to see a beautiful silver necklace with a tree symbol on and a smile broke out on my face.

"Oh my god Hook, you shouldn't have.." I said feeling shocked he had got me a gift and also a little intrigued, Hook didn't say anything but instead just looked away.

I gazed at it before putting it into my coat pocket safely and we stood silent for a moment before Hook spoke.

"Back there when we were speaking. You-you said you had lied about you and Graham" he said and I nodded

"Yes...I I didn't want you to think I still had feelings for you especially since you had moved on with Emma" I replied and he shook his head

"That's the thing, back there...before Emma took me off I was trying to tell you that-" but before he could continue I heard a familiar voice and spun round

"Graham?!" I shouted in shock and surprise before jumping at him and wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug before pulling away

"What are you doing here?" I asked and he smiled

"Couldn't miss your birthday" he said before pulling out a small box from behind his coat and I gasped

"Graham" I said sternly before opening up the gift and relieving a beautiful silver bracelet.

I hugged Graham and thanked him for the gift before turning back round and Hook looked upset

"I'll...leave you two" he said before rushing back inside

"Hook..wait what were you trying to tell me" I shouted but he walked inside and the door closed behind.

I sighed knowing that he must be upset because of Graham's arrival before Graham did the bracelet up around my wrist

"Fits perfectly" he said.

While Graham held around my wrists closely, I trailed off into thought about Hook and glanced over towards the door of grannies.

- Hooks POV -
I walked back inside, I was so upset about Graham and Regina and how I was so close to telling her that I had lied about me and Emma too but before I could Graham had arrived and surprised Regina with this wonderful gift and it was just like mine but clearly Regina seemed more happy with Graham's than mine which I understood he was practically her boyfriend after all now I assumed.

I decided if this meant Graham was trying to be with Regina again then I would focus on Emma. I walked over to Emma who was now sat in a booth before pulling her by the hand

"Come on, let's go dance again" I said hoisting her up and into the middle of the diner where everyone else had been dancing and pulling her close as we smiled and danced together.

Moments after Graham and Regina walked back inside and people turned to notice Graham's arrival.

He was invited in and spoke to a few people before Regina showed everyone the bracelet he had gotten her, he gently held around her before squeezing her against him everytime she would show it and be allured over it.

I glared over as I sat at the counter next to Emma who had clearly noticed how I was more focused in what was happening with them, then her talking to me.

"I know you have feelings for Regina" she said and I bolted my view to Emma before rapidly replying

"What-uh- no I don't" I said but she just laughed

"You don't have to pretend Hook, it's obvious. I see the way you look at her and how upset you get whenever she is with Graham. I get it, I was just someone to try and move on with and I understand so don't worry, no hard feelings" she replied and I sighed suddenly realizing how I had treated Emma

"I'm sorry Emma, I should of never used you like that, but honestly when I was trying to get over Regina i really did want to fall for you again" I replied and she smiled before hopping off of the stool and patting my shoulder.

Her view darting over to Graham and Regina who were now sat down in a booth together

"Go over there, go speak to her. If you don't tell her now then it may become too late" she said sternly then walking off over to Snow and David.

I sighed knowing she was right, if I didn't go and tell Regina now how I felt then I might never get the chance.

There she is sat with Graham and I know that if I don't say something now then I'm certain their love will probably rekindle and then I would of lost my chance.

So I decide to get up and I slowly make my way over to them, as I reach their booth Regina glances up from her gaze at Graham and looks at me her eyes full of worry

"Hook.." she says and I look nervously but I can feel Graham's eyes burning at me and I lose all confidence I had.

I turned quickly and make my way out of the door leaving grannies and I hurry down the path towards the street.

- Regina's POV -
I sighed before getting up and grabbing my coat and rushing out of the door after Hook.

"Hook Wait!" I shouted, but he continued to walk

"Hook please...I what were you going to say" I said slowly and he stopped before turning back to face me.

He paused a moment before speaking

"I was going to say that I also lied about me and Emma being together.." he said quietly and I stared

"You-you lied too" I blurted out and Hook continued to stare and ignored my reply but instead tried to change the subject

"You...should get back to the party.. they're all probably wondering where you've gone" he said sternly but I stood still

"well then they can worry" I snap before returning to my quiet voice

"what- what else were you going to say?.." I ask and Hook paused a moment

"That...Regina I-I still have feelings for you.." he snapped and I waited a moment, tears filling my eyes at the overwhelming thought that Hook in fact still had feelings for me.

We both stood far apart, there was a pause as the thoughts and words that had just been said were transferred through my head.

Then before even thinking I rushed towards Hook, heavy breathing with the tension and overwhelmed feelings which were rushing through I looked at Hook with strong eyes and he grabbed my face and kissed me hard as I did back.

The tears rolled down my cheeks as I couldn't hold back the strong emotions anymore and I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he held my face in his hands.


My other books:
Until The End
Unpredicted Love
Love That Hurts
Who Are We Fooling
Second Chances
Follow my Instagram linked in my bio, to be updated whenever I post a new chapter or need your guys's advice on something 🖤

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