Chapter 2(What do We have Here?)

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"How in the hell did this happen?. What happened to just being friends and not getting this far?."

I yelled half whispered while shuffling around the room to find my clothing. The sunlight streamed through my bedroom window with a hint of anger or it could be the slight hangover talking.

X-Travion was on the other side of the room doing the same.

"I don't know. I don't know, maybe we had too many drinks?"

He said, panic laced in his voice.

"Listen if my mother finds you here you're dead. And if my father finds you here he'll make sure to it that you suffer the worst types of pain before beheading you both ways".

I gestured to his fella that was slowly raising but at my comment shrunk faster than I could've imagined humanly possible. But then again he is a wolf so it's not such a big deal.

Just then there was a slight tap on the door. I stopped dead in my tracks and exchanged a look with Travion but quickly put my clothes on and shoved him out the window.

"I'm coming just hold on a sec!."

I yelled from the bathroom where I washed my face and sprayed air freshener to mask his scent.

I opened the door to find that it wasn't my parents, it was Ecclues.

It's been six years since that night/afternoon. My father came back. He took Ecclues and made him our servant. Just in case you're wondering Ecclues was the Doctor boyfriend, my so called father had sent him to serve us while he was away but Ecclues fell desperately in love with the other parent and they got together. The only reason he's not dead is cause the 'father' wants him see his beloved spend every waking moment with another man. It's torture to his poor soul.

He shook his head adamantly, totally ignoring my innocent smile. He pushed past me and went about inhaling deeply while maneuvering his hands projecting what happened the night before and just seconds ago.

He turned to look at me and I nervously blushed staring at the floor trying hard not to make eye contact. He shook his head disapprovingly, walked over to my bed and patted the space next to him signaling for me to sit.

I reluctantly went and occupied the empty seat beside him.

"Shain. We've had this talk a million times and over, you won't let your dad close to you cause you feel he betrayed you by abandoning you and your mother, you hate your mother for taking him back and now you seek comfort in cuddling the night away with boys whether you know them or not. It's not safe. That's not the right way to seek comfort try some other strategy that won't get the poor innocent boys of today killed."

Ecclues was a bit frustrated and I don't blame him, he runs the household which is my mother's job, he has to put up with my 'father's' gloating and bad treatment and now he has this...well me.

"I've asked you a million times for just a hug or moments like this where we'd just talk like old times but you've turned me down at every single turn. It hurts Ecclues, it really hurts"

Instead of continuing his scolding he pulled me in for a side hug and I swear I haven't felt such peace in a long time.

We're currently living at the place we first began. Our original home but it's changed up a lot, the schools are better than before, no longer being an occupied part of the beech or in the forest, but now it was built in the middle of the entire village, small of a large city. Witches ruled over this domain but other supernatural creatures were allowed.

I attended the school here, hardly had friends but didn't need any. I preferred to be alone even though there are those who've tried to get to me I managed to maintain my self isolation. They either feared me or wanted to get with me.

"You know as well as I do I won't be able to give hugs and have conversations. Your parents would have my head on a platter and freeze it for next thanksgiving."

He said with a depressed sigh after his long pause.

"It's time for you to get ready for school and if one of your parents find us like this they'd suspect different so come on. Oh and by the way, I didn't expect this victim to be your new found friend, we'll have to talk about that on another note."

He said tapping my shoulder while standing and retreating from my room.

I waved the door shut and padded over to the bathroom, undressed and hopped in the shower. Lightly scrubbing the wolf boy's scent from me I hummed a small tune that stayed stuck in my mind. After finishing up I hopped out of the bath and instantly got goosebumps as the cold air rushed to my skin, I shivered and moved quickly to my closet and pulled out a high waist jeans and a top, I grabbed a matching underwear set and got dressed, tugging on my my high top Guess boots I went out the room, down the hall and down the stairs of this three story house. I turned right for the kitchen, grabbed a brown paper bag from the lower shelf in the fridge, slammed it shut and spun around to find the 'mother' staring intently at me.

"What have you been up to Chris?."

She asked looking too suspicious.

"Just getting my stuff I prepared last night to go."

I immediately swerved from her direction almost running to the front door but of course she's a witch, for pete's sake we're all witches. She appeared, blocking my path clutching my bag as a wicked smile fell on her face.

"Remember in the human home I had you recite something and was always strict?."

She asked apparently expecting an answer.

"Yes I remember. What of it?."

The lack of patience soaked my tongue and rode off my lips.

She raised an eyebrow and dangled my bag playfully.

"Let's play a game. You get the bag you get to go. You don't get the bag you get to stay home. Ok?."

She asked with a smile on her face as wide as the Cheshire cat's. I needed to get the bag, I don't wanna miss school especially for this.

"Since there is no way in talking you out of this fine I'll do it. But no cheating."

Frustration picked at my words, did she really think I'd stay here and play house with her?.

Let the games begin.

Hey guys another update here I know it's been a while but I'm kinda busy do vote and comment tell if you like the way things are going.
Word Count: 1158

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