''He has it hard. Poor Luise. His whole life has been full of pain, anger, sadness and pure depression. He had no one to talk to, we never talked about that with him. We are not worthy of knowing who he is, because he is so amazing. I feel bad for him.''
Craig said trough slight tears, rolling down his face, thinking of his great friend, Luise.

''Don't pity him! He doesn't want that! Got it?!'' Craig nodded, from the loud words that came from Henry.  ''He doesn't need your pity, or mine, or Dylan's.'' He turned at Dylan, but Dylan wasn't present mentally. ''Dylan?''

''We need to do something,'' Dylan said through his teeth and his fists clenched.
''How did that guy dare to treat him that way?! My Luise! The man that protected us all, that doesn't deserve a hand to be lifted at him?! How can someone be like that?! Such a douche bag and a pile of shit. I am ready to kill the guy who laid his filthy hands on Luise!''
Dylan dropped to the floor and started to punch it, making his knuckles bloody.
''Why is everyone like that?! So clueless of such a wonderful person?! They should all pay for their sins! Those little pieces of...''

''Stop! Stop hurting yourself. We are going to do something! We are going to get back at the bully that treated him like that. We are going to stand up for him, just like he did for us! (Henry pulled Dylan up and gave him a firing stare) Luise has done so much for each and one of us, so now it is time to pay him back. But we can't just march into his school demanding to beat up some guy, we need to find out how to know the guy's name. Wait! ( Henry remembered one detail about Luise that was very critical) I am sorry to say this Craig, but we need to visit your bully.''

''Why? Is there a community of bullies that we are not aware of?''

''No. The guy that was bullying you before Luise made him run away, used to go to Luise's school. Maybe he knows who bullied him.''

The other two boys nodded at Henry and they made a plan. To get to Craig's bully they just had to go to the arcade, because that is where he usually is. They went straight there and found Craig's bully playing space blast. He changed because when he saw the three boys come in, he didn't even say hi. He wanted nothing with them since that day.

 ''Hey Bobby, I need to talk to you''. Craig was still shaking at his presence, but his voice was serious. 

''What do you want?'' He asked not even looking at the boys.

 ''Do you know who Lui... I mean who John Pool?'' Henry was nervously playing with his fingers, while Dylan was staring at the ground, trying not to burst into tears.

''The name sounds familiar.''

'' You went to the same school as him, before you transferred into this. He is the guy that punched you that summer.''

''Oh, the weird kid. The one that suddenly turned into a goody-two-shoes that kicks bad people like some superhero. Yes, I do know who he is. Why?''

''I wanted to ask you, why was he bullied and who bullied him? He is one of my best friends and I want to know who hurt him.''

''Well, that is an interesting thing. I was the one who was bullying him in the begging, then stopped, because someone replaced me, but in a bad way. His new bully, used violence that was death causing.''He moved away from the game and turned around, facing the guy.
''His name is Joseph, Joseph Hundert. The same guy that kicked me out of that school and stole my girlfriend, making me look like the bully, even thou I stopped a long time ago.''

''Why? Why would he do such a thing?''

'' Well, that is hard to explain.''

3 years ago...

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