
It was only one man who came to question her – a Lionel Pesky. They sat at Abel's dining room table – the recorder was set between them and his head was lowered over his notebook. Briana picked at her nails. She might not be able to save Antonia - but she was determined not to help them kill her.

"What was your mother's relationship to Jack Necker?" Pesky asked, pen poised.

"Jack Necker? He was finance minister at one point, right?"

"Yes." Pesky's tone was impatient. He wasn't expecting this to be difficult, Briana realised. She guessed that Abel had reassured the True Hearts of her continued good behaviour.

"He worked with my father."

"Were he and your mother close?" Pesky pressed. Briana was aware of the stories about Antonia Erebus. They wanted to create the impression that she was immoral. A woman heartless enough to betray her family might betray a nation.

"I don't know that they ever spoke. He only had meetings with my father."

"Richard Erebus imprisoned Mr Necker very suddenly – without trial. What do you think about this?"

"I think it's illegal," Briana replied carefully. Pesky sighed impatiently and decided to be more direct.

"What do you know about rumours of an affair between Jack Necker and your mother?"

"This is the first I've heard of it."

"Does it sound plausible to you?"

Briana hesitated. He wasn't looking at his notebook anymore but directly at her – his gaze full of warning. Briana met his frank stare.

"Why not?" He seemed incredibly put out by her attitude – and a little surprised. Just what had Abel told them? That she'd jump up and down and roll over at their command?

"Because I never saw them meet one another." She replied assertively. "Because I have no reason to believe my mother ever had an affair."

"There are many rumours – the press-"

"Has printed many lies about my family." Briana cut in. Scowling, Pesky turned the page of his notebook.

"What about the Asprey scandal?" He read out. Briana bit her lip. There was less she could do to help Antonia with this one... Pesky looked up at her, irritated at her prolonged pause. "Ajalon Asprey made your mother a necklace-"

"So I read in the paper."

Pesky's jaw twitched – that was the second time she'd interrupted him.

"What do you know about this?"

"Nothing – I never saw the necklace," Briana replied truthfully.

"But you saw the photograph of her meeting with Asprey's people?" It had been all over social media – she could hardly act dumb...


"The photograph seems to show an exchange of money."

"Yes." She admitted reluctantly.

"You have nothing further to add?" His gaze was cold. He hated her, Briana realised. He was a man of revolution – dealing with an Erebus heir was grating quickly on his patience.

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