52 Souls

117 13 1

They walked side by side down the pavement and Briana's brain was in ultra-panic mode. She couldn't think of a single thing to say. Mercifully Abel filled the threatening silence.

"The day we met - you knew who I was. But I don't remember seeing you before."

"I've only seen you in person once before then." She admitted.

"Oh?" He probed curiously. Briana scrunched up her nose.

"You were fighting."

"Ah," he seemed disappointed, "not a great first impression." Briana shrugged.

"You were winning and he was really big." That cheered him up.

"Here's the place." She looked up at the small cafés front: 'Bean There, Drank That' and grinned. Inside the mouth-watering aroma of fresh pastries - hot from the oven - hung in the air and Briana's stomach growled.

The owner's smile vanished at the sight of Abel and she made 'humph' of disapproval. Abel rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"I come here a lot to write and don't buy very much." Briana chuckled. In her time, this place would have a plaque advertising Abel's patronage. It would be crammed with people - taking up the space of the shops either side and would charge stupid money. She preferred it now. It was cute. The boards had fun doodles around the options. She liked a set showing little cookies with matchstick arms and legs - trying to escape down the letters.

Briana got them a table whilst Abel waited for their drinks. There was a paper resting on the table top and she could see Richard Erebus' face disappearing into the crease. She quickly put the paper out of sight on the window sill whilst scanning the cafe's occupants. Nobody was paying any attention to her but still she rearranged her hair to shield her face more.

"Here you go."

"Thanks." She sipped at her drink as Abel shook his arms free from his heavy jacket. "Hmm... heaven in a cup."

"I don't want you to get the idea that I'm a dangerous guy to be around," Briana noticed that he had a bandage around his wrist, "I'm not always fighting someone or getting chased by the police."

"Don't worry about it. Hey, for all you know I could be the dangerous one."

"Yeah?" The idea seemed to amuse him.

"Don't be fooled by these chicken arms. I've killed before."

"Oh really?" His eyes were bright with mischief. Briana nodded - feigning seriousness.

"Over a tiddlywinks match. Yeah - that's how psycho I am."

"How did you do it?"

"I trained a killer whale. It took a bit of planning to get them together but I made it work." He laughed.

"Hmm I need to bargain then. Give you a reason not to kill me."

"What you got?"

"This face," Briana shook her head. "Hey I make excellent arm candy!" She mimed looked disinterestedly down at her nails. "Ok, ok I do a great Roger Moore impression." She showed interest.

"'He always had an inflated opinion of himself.'"

"That's terrible!"

"Cats like me." She laughed. "I'm quick to Stockholm."


"I like being liked."

"Sorry, it's no good. This here is your last supper."

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