Strangle the Cubs

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Briana awoke unrefreshed – her limbs ached and her nerves were frayed. She didn't remember falling asleep, she sat up and as she rubbed her eyes - she felt the tears that had dried upon her cheeks.

"You're awake," Richard whispered softly. He was sat on the ground, his back against the cold wall.

Briana saw Antonia fast asleep on the bunk across from her, with Dalton nestled in her arms. 

Briana's knees clicked as she swung her legs over the edge.

"Any news?" Her voice was husky from crying.

"It's over. Most of the guards have gone – the prison's back in the True Hearts control." He wouldn't look her in the eye.

Briana's heart trembled in her chest. She shuffled to the sink and turned on the icy tap. Only after she'd washed her clammy face did she ask him.

"And Maria?"

"There's... there's some confusion still but," he wrung his hands, "it looks like..."

"Like she's dead?"

He nodded solemnly.

Briana brushed away a stray tear with the back of her hand. She glanced over to the peacefully sleeping duo. "Don't tell them."

"You think we should lie?"

"Yes." Briana nodded firmly, "it's kinder that way." Richard didn't argue.

Five Weeks Later...

"I win again," Dalton grinned happily, picking up the cards to reshuffle them once more. Antonia smiled at him. The greys were showing through in her hair – lacking a stylist she had it pulled up in a messy bun and loose tendrils rested against her scrawny throat. She'd been losing weight rapidly and her skin was starting to hang off her.

"Emily," she called over to her daughter, "why don't you play with us?"

Briana made no reply. They were still in their cramped prison cell – trapped between four stone walls. She was sat on her bunk – staring at the cracks in the wall. "Emily?" My name...

"Yes?" Briana's voice was distant, unfocused.

"Come down and play with us."

Briana shook her head.

"I'm tired."

The bed springs groaned as Briana lay down, her back to them. Antonia and Richard shared a look of concern. She barely ate, she barely talked – she was sleeping too much. Richard got to his feet and stroked her back.

"Come on, Emily." He entreated softly. She rolled over to face him.

Antonia and Dalton started a new game – politely pretending to give them privacy. "Talk with us." Richard's searching gaze scanned his daughter's melancholic face. Briana shrugged. He sighed wearily and kissed her forehead. "For Dalton's sake." He whispered. Those were the magic words. With reluctant, heavy movements – she descended from the bunk. For Dalton, she even managed a tired smile.

They were allowed out of the cell now but only for half hour a day. Briana put a protective hand on Dalton's shoulder as they waited on the guards. The guards sniggered, taking their sweet time with the keys. They were bored – bored of watching over a quiet family all day every day. This was a brief taste of entertainment for everyone. The guards milked it as much as they could.

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