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Two months later...

Abel got out his wallet to pay the cashier. The necklace was silver – simple but elegant with a perfect teardrop set with sapphire pendant. They closed the lid of the purple felt box and carefully bagged it up for him. Present purchased, Abel stepped out onto the street. The year's first flurry of snow was falling from the sky. A family across the street were exclaiming excitedly.

"It's snowing – dad it's snowing!"

The children had school badges sewn to their jackets. In this new education system, every child was equal - money could buy you nothing extra and every child got one hot meal. For some, it was the only meal they got all day – but it was a start. A positive start.

"Dad, can we go to Charlie and Sue's – they've got a sledge."

Abel walked passed as their dad was explaining that there wasn't enough snow to use a sledge yet.

"Michael!" The children's mother exclaimed, tugging at her husband's arm as her eyes widened in recognition. "It's Abel Farshadow."

"What –where?"

"There with the scarf. Go shake his hand – quickly now."


Back at Abel's residence, Briana was standing in the garden. She put out her palm – catching snowflakes on her fingertips.

"It snowed on our wedding day." 

Briana started in surprise and turned to face Hansel (or Warren as he was currently known).

"Did it?" She asked passively.

"You thought it was a good omen."

She smiled slightly at that. She'd been thinking how pretty the snow was – had she been getting married today it definitely would've made her happy. They heard voices at the entrance. The master of the house was back. Hansel's expression became surly. He stepped away from her just as they heard Abel's voice.

"Where is she?"

Briana swallowed nervously, glancing at Hansel. "Em," Abel greeted – entering the room behind her. Briana turned to face him.

"Hi," she greeted – feeling strangely shy. Abel grinned at her. He looked tired, with dark shadows beneath his eyes and he'd lost even more weight – rather than wearing clothes he seemed to be burdened by them. His slender shoulders were swallowed by his heavy coat that was flapping in the breeze. But he was happy – he was the happiest Briana had ever known him.

"Come inside," he urged, putting his arm around her and leading her back into the house. "You haven't even got a coat on."

"I was enjoying the snow," but her protest was only mild. Abel left it to Hansel to shut the door behind him. "What's made you so happy?" She sat down with him on the sofa, making an effort not to look around them. She'd been locked in the complex for so long – where Abel saw luxuries he was thrilled to be able to give her – Briana was starting to see prison bars. Since she'd taken over Emily's body she'd known many different kinds of prisons – Eros House, Probitatis, actual prison and now this. In fact, the only time she'd been free was when she'd lived with Hungry Soul...

Briana glanced up at Hansel. He was staring sternly at her – watching every move she and Abel made. A quarter of an hour later Abel left to take a phone call. Hansel seized the brief privacy.

"Move to that seat." He directed, indicating the armchair.

"That will look strange." Briana hissed back. She knew why he'd suggested it though. Abel had been inching closer and closer to her, his hand on the back of coach getting ever nearer to being around her.

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