Rich Kids

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Briana lay curled up on her bunk facing the wall. She stroked the cold brickwork with the pad of her finger. What if they never let them out? This could be it – the rest of her life in these four walls. Left until the world forgot her and then just left until she forgot the world. She stopped tracing patterns on the wall and brought her hands over her chest. Fear – it physically hurt now. When she started to have thoughts of not getting out, of being buried alive – the fear gripped her making it difficult to breathe. She compressed her lips to keep from making a sound.

"What was that?" Dalton asked drowsily. Briana clapped her hand over her mouth and tried to blink back the threatening tears. She heard Richard's bed springs creak as he got out of bed.

"Antonia," he shook his wife's shoulder. "Wake up. Somethings wrong."

Briana sat up and joined the others in listening.

"People?" Briana questioned. Then they heard the screams. Antonia was out of bed in an instant and facing the cell door.

They heard movement the other side of the door and the grill was thrust aside. Guards were filing into the space outside their cell.

"Crowds have broken into the prison," Troy told them. He was armed, as were the others. As the room filled up -Troy was pushed further away from them.

"What about the other prisoners? Are they safe?" Antonia asked, addressing the greasy haired guard now closest to the door.

"The mobs killing any prisoners suspected of Erebus sympathies." The guard spat on the floor, "can't say I blame them."

Briana looked fearfully at Richard. What about Maria and her family?

"But you're protecting them, right?" Antonia pressed.

"Our job's to guard you. To stop this break in from being used as an escape attempt."

Briana gaped at him.

"You can't think," her voice was trembling with anger, "that we'd arrange for our friends to get killed as a cover?!"

The guard banged his gun against the grill, making her flinch back from the grate.

"Why not? You selfish fucks have let plenty of people die for you in the past."

"Dad?" Dalton's voice was small and scared.

"You have to save them!" Briana protested shrilly. The guard banged his gun again, the sound echoing loudly.

"Shut it or I'll come in there and shut that mouth for you."

Richard took Briana's arm and pulled her back from the grate.

"Enough now," he murmured softly. 

Gunshots made Antonia shriek and she stuffed a trembling hand over her mouth. Tears filled Briana's eyes as she stared up at Richard.

"They need our help."

Shame filled his expression.

"We can't even help ourselves."

Briana sagged back in defeat. He was right.

Dalton burst into noisy tears and buried his face against Antonia's stomach. Briana felt sick. Maria was innocent. But Briana only had to remember the rioters at Eros House and she knew that meant nothing. Emily was innocent too and that hadn't stopped the mob from attacking her. Briana's gaze met Troy's through the grate. His expression was pitying... prepare yourself. Briana spun on her heel and tightly hugged Emily's dad, the tears streaming down her face. Richard soothingly stroked her head and Briana clung to this small crumb of comfort.

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