Her Handsome Guard

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The late Angelo Erebus used to have many of his meetings in one of the sittings rooms - sleeves rolled up and no tie. His son however had returned to the tradition of using an office adjourning the cabinet room. Gone were the days where ministers could hazard a glance at scattered piles of confidential documents to glean the trend of thinking. Richard Erebus' desk was impeccably maintained, in perfect harmony with his obstinate micromanage mind-set.

He looked over the report and sighed in relief.

"This is much more promising than I was expecting." Opposite him sat Jack Necker - the latest finance minister. "Your predecessors were not so optimistic."

"My reorganisation of the tax system is having successes and my previous experience as a banker for the last twenty years makes me a better judge of these things." The Princeps smiled happily.

"We'll publish this. It will help with our creditors."

"Excellent sir." Hidden beneath the desk the finance minister's hands trembled.


Meanwhile Briana was experiencing the England of 2017 (or at least Emily's view of it). Birds soared across blue clear skies and on the ground horses tore up the grass. Pike Nausicä sat astride Theocules - the favourite to win. The jockey's silks were garish shades of pink and yellow - making him clearly visible to the spectators. Briana however was facing the wrong direction. She fidgeted - wishing she wasn't trapped in the body of a teenager as she watched her companions drinking champagne.

It was swelteringly hot, the air unpleasant to breathe and her red gold curls were sticking to her damp neck. The race was over almost as soon as it had begun and nobody in their party seemed to have noticed. This wasn't about placing bets. Briana wondered if Emily would be using this as a networking opportunity or perhaps it was just about being seen. Her outfit had been picked out for her - an elegant dress bearing the Erebus family colours of white, silver and yellow. An obvious statement of identity.

"Emily," she straightened her posture immediately and fixed a fake, close lipped smile.

"Yes mum?" Her voice trembled.

"Are you feeling alright?" Antonia looked at her with concern. Briana bit the inside of her cheek. She supposed it shouldn't be such a surprise - of course even a woman as heartless as the 'Erebus Bitch' could care about her own daughter. Briana nodded.

"I'm fine." Antonia stooped a little so that they were eye level and began re-arranging her hair.

"You look lovely darling."

Shouts made them both turn to see security having a tussle with a group of drunk ladies.

"Gutterskank!" The speaker jabbed her finger in their direction. Antonia shifted her position, standing protectively in front of Briana. "WHORE!" Mother and daughter were soon surrounded by their guard. Antonia was shepherded off by the main contingent - hidden from view as the heckling grew worse. "CUM GUZZLING SLUT!"

Troy seemed to materialise at Briana's elbow. He was Emily's personal bodyguard - her constant tall, dark and handsome shadow.

"This way please miss." He entreated, taking her arm protectively as he led her away. The women's shrieks grew worse and they were joined by others taking the opportunity to scream a torrent of hysterical abuse at the top of their lungs. Briana stumbled in her heels and knocked into Troy.

"Sorry," she apologised quickly, recoiling so fast that she would have fallen the other way had he not caught her.

With swift easy movements Troy lifted her off her feet and held her in his arms bridal style. Briana gasped, her heart beating erratically in her chest. "Y-you don't have to carry me." She mumbled shyly. Troy's expression remained stoic - his gaze rigidly ahead.

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