Chapter 8 Dreaming

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Sam blinked, "Dean?" he asked, sitting up in his sleeping bag to study his brother. Dean was sitting across the campfire from him, trying to roast marshmallows and unwrap a chocolate bar at the same time.

"Chocolate with almonds? You're such a weirdo." Dean remarked, eying the candybar in his hands with distaste.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked.

"What? You thought you were gonna roast marshmallows without me? Fat chance." Dean replied as he pulled a lightly browned marshmallow from the stick he was holding and popped it into his mouth.

Sam groaned and propped himself up.

Dean held up a box of graham crackers, "S'more?" he asked.

"Uh, no thanks I'm good." Sam replied.

Dean shrugged, "More for me." He replied and set the box back on the ground.

"Look, uh, h-how exactly did you get here?" Sam asked.

"You know what would be nice?" Dean remarked, "Couple of babes. I'm thinking about 5ft 7", long blonde hair, and a big smile to keep you warm, y'know?"

"Uh..." Sam stared.

"You could use one too. God knows you need to get laid." Dean added.

"Um..." Sam stared as Dean fashioned a s'more and took a big bite.

"You sure you don't want any?" Dean asked, holding up his s'more and talking with his mouth full.

"Yeah, I'm sure..." Sam answered, watching Dean warily.

There was a loud crunch as Dean took another bite.

"Look...Dean..." Sam began as Dean finished his treat and began licking marshmallow off his fingers, "I know this isn't real..."

Dean attached more marshmallows to his stick and raised an eyebrow.

"This isn't real..." Sam began, "Because I'm in Hell, and you're on the surface living an ordinary life...or at least, that's what I told you to do..."

"Aw, come on, Sam, you know the apple pie life isn't for me." Dean replied, shoving more marshmallows on his stick, "How long do you think I'd last? A year, maybe? Then I'd find some poor soul in distress and I'd think 'what's the harm in helping them out'? And then I'd find some other supernatural problem to solve and before you know it, I'm back in the business."

"That's what I'm afraid of," Sam breathed.

Dean must have shoved about seven marshmallows in his stick by now. He extended them over the fire.

"Dean..." Sam breathed, "I know you think I'm on the surface with you right now but I'm not. My soul is still down here..."

"Yeah, I know." Dean said turning his marshmallows over the fire, "You're a cold, calculated sociopath upstairs...but then again, we saw the kind of decisions you made when your soul was still in your body, which kinda makes you wonder, am I really any worse for wear?"

Sam recoiled like Dean had slapped him.

"W-what...?" Sam stuttered, "I...I mean, yeah, I messed up. I messed up big time. But I fixed my mistake...I put Lucifer back in the Cage, Michael too..."

"Uh-huh. Not before a lot of people died, though." Dean replied.

"Dean!" Sam exclaimed, "I did the best I know that...why are you doing this?"

"Doing what? Stating facts?" Dean raised an eyebrow.

"Throwing everything in my face." Sam snapped.

Dean shrugged, "It's true. You screw everything up. Honestly, the world is better off without you in it."

"You don't mean that..." Sam whispered.

"Let's face it Sam." Dean said, "You deserve what's happened to you."

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