Day Fifteen

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Dear diary- 

Sixteen days of solid vanishing rain. Millions of people dead. Entire countries gone. We heard about it on the radio at school during social studies. I guess my teacher got tired of everyone saying they couldn't keep up with the news because they didn't have access to a radio. At least New York, and other places below sea level were still there. 

Alex Courtney told everyone a story about how his aunt vanished at lunch. He said a few weeks ago she was trying to get rid of the meat in her fridge. She discovered she still had propane, so she decided to throw a party on the patio. Apparently a gust of wind took off one of her gloves. The rain got on her hand, and she vanished. The story made me feel scared. 

I can't help but wonder where these people are vanishing to. It could be Aliens i guess like my math teacher keeps insisting, but could it be radiation causing the rain? Could the rain ACTUALLY be killing people? 

Stories like these keep being told by students. The students worry about the winter. Some families dont even have hot food every night like we do. Thanksgiving is in a few weeks. We won't even get a turkey. 

Our first Thanksgiving with dad, and no Turkey. It's so depressing. 

Mom got fed up tonight, and decided to make a tuna casserole. It made dad so happy that after dinner, he kissed her; and got out his guitar. Guitar? I didn't even know he could play. He started playing songs for us. Charlie sang to them. I didn't know my brother could sing either. It seemed like the storm between mom, and dad had finally passed. Who knows, maybe she will start making more dinners like we used to have again. If it makes dad this happy, i think she should. 

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