The six guards that were stationed at the gates all looked at one another. I made my way towards the gatekeepers who were looking at my soldiers suspiciously. I stood, glaring at the men. "My mate, Prince Rowan has just alerted them. He said that even if they are not there stay for at least half of the hour...they believe it is the work of Vampyr and stay stationed at the southern side." At the word vampyr they were all convinced. I was surprised they even I slowly watched one grab at the hilt of his sword. The other few began to shift. "Hurry! Go!"

I watched as all of them rushed the other way, such looks of anger and war in their eyes...I felt bad for deceiving them but it had to be done.

As I walked up to the gate, I looked around to only see the soldiers who were tasked with protecting me. They were dressed in peasant clothes.

I quickly made my way over to the gates, taking a whiff of them. I smelt vampyr and humans. This was definitely them.

"Welcome, gentlemen," I told them as they all filed in through the gates. I was careful not to make eye contact just yet. Once they were all inside the gates, I began to push it close. It was rather heavy and I felt the weight of pushing disappear quickly.

"I have it, Princess Fiona." That voice was as if someone had scraped a sharp and icy tool down my spine. I shivered, turning to look at the cloaked man, who helped close the gate.

He had the darkest of cloaks on. His paled, large hands pushed at the gate with ease and I watched him do so with a smirk on his lips. "Is everything, alright Princess?" He questioned, craning his neck downward, to get a better look at me.

My heart lurched into my stomach, as I received a look at his eyes. Pitch dark. The night. That was what his eyes looked like. Endless night. Not to mention the power that was surrounding him.

He had to be the King.
King Talon.

I was used to the feeling of power. Hilda had much of it...the King exuded it. Rowan wielded it. But this cloaked man who stood before me... it was unrealistic. It reminded me of when the Dragon King was upset about his wife eating something...the anger and power rolled off of him in tendrils. This man...King Talon reeled with power.

"I am fine...Gentleman, we must hurry. The soldiers will be back any moment," I told them as they all began to follow me. Immediately. I imagined it would be more pressing than this. But it was not.

As we walked throughout the village, I could feel a presence right on my heels, and I suddenly paused. Turning to look who was so close to me. It was the Vampyr King.

"Yes, King Talon?"

Now that he was just walking...I noticed the sleeves to his cloak covered his hands. You could see nothing of his body but his lips and chin. He walked around like some sort of ghost. A reaper.

The dark tendrils of his hair peeked out beneath the cloak covering his face. The only indication of what he might look like beneath the disgusting cloak. I should have gotten a better look at his face when he helped me close the door...but I was to entranced with his eyes..

"I have not come here for the human Queen but for your brother. I want his heart in my hands, that does not pose a problem for you does it?" He questioned, my eyes going to his lips that were slowly moving up. In a slight smile.

A smile found its way on my lips, "Of course not. My brother needs to be dealt with. I have tried many times to save him from...from that human filth but he is too far gone now. If you succeed, the throne will be mine... a true Queen my kingdom will have."

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