Chapter 10 -> New Beginning

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Loving someone doesn't mean tying him/her up around you. One should give him/her freedom and let him/her choose. It will be counterproductive if you hold him/her too tightly.


I closed the door behind me and clicked to lock it. I quickly lowered the blinds so that no one could see me in this pathetic state. I pounced onto my bed, covered myself up with a yellow blanket and whimpered myself alone on top of my flowery bedsheet.

I was supposed to be happy for him, but his dreams, his aspirations were totally out of my imaginations. It felt as if I didn't know him at all. He felt like a stranger to me all of a sudden.

He made me sad. He disappointed me. He broke my heart.

I had completely shut myself from the outside world as if I didn't have friends at all.

Don't worry, I still do have friends. They had countlessly tried to contact me through my annoying little phone, such that I switched off it to end everything.

Why Ash?

Is there no turnaround?

Can you give in to me?

Just compromise this one time for me.

I just want you to be by your side, be my guardian angel.

The amount of time we spent together is already short and now you said you want to leave me.

Perhaps, maybe I didn't understand him at all in the first place.

Why did I love him in the first place?

Why must he go Kalos to learn?

With his excellent results, he definitely can enter into any degree courses of his choice and get a stable job, why must he insist on learning pastry?

What if he doesn't love me in the first place?


Even my stomach is contradicting me.

But what do you expect? 

Whenever I woke up, I could not tell if it was day or night. It felt as if time had never changed anything. I wished he was like that.  

Yearning for food, I slowly and silently crept out of my room into the darkness, hoping my parents won't notice me.

Thankfully, the kitchen lights were left lit, providing me with a clear path there.

I looked at the clock down in the living room. It reads 2 am which meant that my parents were sleeping.

Finally, with my light footsteps and my socks on, I arrived in the kitchen and gently pulled the fridge door towards myself.

My eyes quickly noticed a bowl with a clingwrap over it and a post-it on top of it. It reads 'Serena, if you are hungry, you can eat this first 😊 -Mum'

I slowly held onto the bowl with both my hands and brought it out to the bar counter behind me.

Removing the transparent clingwrap, the food appeared was salad, something light and great for me especially since I had no appetite.




After receiving our results, some shred tears of sadness while others leaked droplets of joy. It was really hard to differentiate between them.

As for me, regardless of the results, I have decided on what I wanted to do. However, I just don't know how to tell Serena about it. I tried but my mouth just couldn't open.

Is this love? ||amour||Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat