Chapter 6 -> Making Up

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Time won't make you forget but it will make you grow and understand things.


The snow faded away as the hours of sunlight slowly increased by the minutes. The weather had, as a result, become warmer. As the festive season of Christmas and New Year past, everyone was returning back to school. The class of Ash and Serena did hold a Christmas Party at May's home. It was pretty awkward as May tried her best to patch things up between Ash and Serena. However, she failed terribly such that she had a shouting by both parties. 

Dawn, on the other hand, had moved to a new rental apartment even before Christmas as she didn't want to disturb Ash any longer.

Even up until January, Serena had been ignoring Ash. Everytime Ash tried to speak to Serena, she would just give a deaf ear to him and also pass by Ash as if he was invisible. It was like the previous time when Ash ignored Serena just that their roles had been swapped. Ash, however, clearly knew how Serena felt. Serena just needed more time. However, there was someone who could not stand.


"Ash, are you home? ASH!" someone from downstairs shouted piercingly.

Normally, I am the only one at home, listening to music and finishing up my homework.

I removed my left noise-cancelling earpiece to confirm my hearing.

The call repeated, "Ash, are you here?"

Even as my song continued to blast at my right canal, I recognised her voice. 


I dropped my pen, left my chair and opened the door.

She said, "There you are Ash! I thought you weren't here!"

She was still wearing a thick bright red overcoat and a matching beanie.

Every time she came to visit me was bad news, and never good news. I guess this is no exception.

I asked, "What's the matter, Grace?" anticipating her bad news.

She got straight to the point and said, "It's about Serena, she is I feel too cheerful and helpful."

"What's wrong with that? Isn't she like that?" I asked.

"No, it seems like she is occupying herself to do stuff. Now you see her vacuum cleaning the carpet after she came back from school even though I told her I had done it in the morning. She is also washing plates after dinner. Just all these weird stuff." Grace said worriedly.

"But isn't this great?" I replied indifferently.

"Ash, you get it, she is just weird after you told her the truth. I believe she still has not yet overcome it," she explained.

Still scratching my head to understand, "Ok, so how can I help?" I asked.

"I want you to persuade her and make her understand," she said.

"But I tried before, she won't listen to me," I retorted.

"Trust me, she will, and I know she won't meet you so I arrange her to meet you tomorrow."


"Ash, you can do it, just go with the flow!" she convinced me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

She nodded her head.

With that, she took her leave, ignoring questions I posed to her.

How can I convince Serena?



"Mom, can I not go for tomorrow?" I whined.

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