Chapter 4 -> Gary Oak

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Love is like snow. It is indeed very beautiful but it melts very quickly.


The next Monday morning...





My handphone kept on ringing non-stop as I was changing to my new clothes in the bathroom. Silly me, I left it on my bed. Ugh, why is May calling me at this time?

Frustrated by my annoying ringtone May the other day set for me, I donned my clothing and dashed out of the bathroom to pick my handphone up. Do you know this feeling, this Monday morning blues? The worst part was that the water that was still lingering on my hand caused my handphone to slip off my hand and it dropped on the ground.


I quickly picked it up from the ground and checked frantically for any cracks,  damages, scratches, dents or whatever shit happened to my handphone.

Thankfully, there's wasn't any and slid to receive the call. "Hello?" I asked patiently.

"SERENA SERENA, WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO PICK UP?" a familiar voice shouted into my ears such that I had to distance my handphone away from my ear.

I replied, "I was changing, May!"

"Have you seen the pictures uploaded on the school social webpage??? Have you seen?" May bombarded me.

"What is it so big? You know I don't really care about this kind of stuff." I nonchalantly replied.

"BUT THIS IS REGARDING ASH!" May yelled again.

That last word of hers brought my alert level to the highest.

Ash??? What did he do??? It must be news breaking to be at the top of our school social media!!!




From May's tone of voice, this matter must be really big.

I quickly tap the 'End Call' button and navigate my way to May's conversation. I saw the link and tapped it.

Not sure if the internet was slow or I was too eager to know about Ash, the webpage took forever to load. If this was to continue, I would just throw my phone away.

I glanced at the top right of my phone to check the timing. Holy chap, I quickly rushed to school while still waiting for the webpage to slowly load. This is how fast 4G+ speed is...

When I finally logged into the school social media site, I found out that nearly everyone from school was online there. Oh, one more thing. If you think that I have finally loaded the website, you are wrong. THE IMAGES ARE STILL LOADING!!! WHY SO SLOW?

I frantically tapped on the photos, hoping to see them quicker. Thank god, they do.

I could not understand. It was as if my brain had broken down. I could not believe my eyes. Are they deceiving me? Who is this girl? She looks like our age. How come they have a child? Are they very close? Why? Why? Why?

I wished that the pictures were never loaded. I wished that May had never told me the existence of these pictures. I wished I never cared about Ash. What is this feeling?


Throughout the whole morning, I avoided Ash. Even when we were in the same class, I would avoid eye contact with Ash. 

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