Jesy, I need to.  I miss her so much already.  I feel like an idiot.  Fuck... FUCK

I don't care, Perrie Edwards.  Jade is the most loving and caring little shit, and Leigh and I have watched her treat you like a fucking queen.  She loves you so goddamn much, and you have the audacity to tell her she doesn't?  I don't care if it was during an argument.  You messed up.

I got angry.  I messed up.  She's perfect, and I know that, but I let my own insecurities get to me



Pez, I don't know what to tell you.  Thats probably the worst thing you could've ever said to her.  She's closed off about her feelings, and after her putting in all this effort, you still say that shit?  

I know...  I'm a fucking idiot

How are you going to fix it?

I can't

Of course you can.  You have to!

Just a second ago you were telling me how awful I am, and now you're my number one supporter?

Well duh!  This is Jerrie!  This is my fucking ship!  Don't you dare break up my OTP

Do you really think I can do it?

She loves you enough to forgive you


To: Pug Lover

How is she?

From: Pug Lover

She's distressed, but it's gonna be okay, Perrie

You're much easier to talk to than Jesy...

Oh, don't get me wrong, I can totally chew you out right now if you want

No!  I got enough from Jesy, and I got enough from myself

Hey, don't get too down on yourself.  You made a mistake, yeah, but you're not perfect.  Nobody is.  Jade understands that

She does?

It's Jade

Good point...

She's hurt more than mad.  She doesn't just suddenly not love you anymore.  You guys will be fine, but a little bit of time is what she needs

What's she doing right now?

I was cuddling her to help her calm down, and she knocked out

Thanks Leigh... So she's asleep?



Perrie you're a fucking creep

She's my girlfriend and I miss her!  I want to see how she's doing... I need to see her, Leigh

Pug Lover has sent an attachment 

Thank you... Gosh, I miss her

She misses you more


To: The Prettiest Girl In The Entire World

Hey... I just wanted to talk to you, whether you respond or not.  I miss you.  A lot.  Like, a fucking lot.  It's only been a few hours, but I feel so empty already.  I'm so sorry, Jade... I know you love me, I really do... at least, I hope you still do.  Maybe now you don't, and I understand.  I'm a fuck up.  I'm an idiot.  I've hurt you, and I don't deserve your love.  I'm sorry...

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