Ch. 13 First Look

Start from the beginning

"I can somehow tell when people have powers, so maybe we could use that." Kevin chimed in. "The only problem is, I'm not exactly sure how it works."

"Well we can figure it out later, right now I'm hungry." Kirstie complained, and Avi smirked.

"Good thing I got a bunch of chips at the gas station." He said, holding up the plastic bag. "Grab a bag, any bag! Except the barbeque chips because those are mine and I will fight you for them."

Kirstie chuckled as they each took a bag.

"I wasn't kidding." Avi told her, and her smile dropped.

"Oh, well okay then." She said, and quietly opened her chips.

She had gotten nacho cheese doritos, while Kevin got sour cream and onion, and Avi, of course got the barbeque chips. They sat down, eating their chips and looking at the people passing by. Kevin tried his best to try and figure out how his ability to spot people with powers worked, but it was taking longer than he wanted. He decided to take a break and turned to Kirstie.

"Hey, before we got here you said you saw what they looked like right?"

"Not really, it was kinda fuzzy but I could tell it was a guy." She responded, eating another chip.

"Are you sure it was a guy?"

"I will admit they did look kinda feminine, but it was a guy."

"Okay thanks, that really narrows it down. Anything else you can remember?" He asked, and she thought for a moment.

"I do remember they had dark hair and were kinda short if that helps."

"That does actually. Thank you."

So now that Kevin knew what he was looking for, he had no trouble scanning through the crowd to find this mystery person. His eyes were set on finding them and with some help from his powers, someone caught his attention. Kevin blinked, surprised at how quickly his eyes darted to them. He stood up, ignoring the questions being thrown at him, and followed them. Avi and Kirstie were right behind him, asking where he was going.

Kevin finally turned around and shushed them. Making sure he knew where the mystery person was, he grabbed Avi and Kirstie's wrists and pulled them behind a building so they were out of sight.

"Will you finally tell us what's going o-"

"I think I found him." He said quickly, interrupting Avi.

"What? Where?" Kirstie asked excitedly, and he motioned for them to move closer.

When they were by his side, Kevin pointed out who he was watching. They were indeed male yet feminine, short, and had dark hair. They were also wearing a coat that looked kinda familiar to Kevin. He searched his brain when he finally remembered.


He decided to check the last store: Vetements.

Picking up a jacket, he immediately put it back when he saw the price.

'$4,700 for an Oversized Khaki Green Military Army Flight Bomber? No thank you.'

He gave up and decided to leave. As he was walking out, he accidentally bumped into someone who was walking in.

"Oh excuse me, I'm sorry." Kevin quickly apologized, but they just gave a laugh.

"It's alright, no harm done." They said flashing him a smile, which made his heart jump.

After that they continued into the store, looked around, and picked up the jacket he was looking at.


"That's the guy I ran into before I met you!" Kevin whispered to Kirstie.

"Really?" She asked surprised, and he nodded.

"Literally right before I met you, I physically ran into him, at the Vetements store."

"That's so weird yet cool." Avi commented. "Uh guys? Something's happening."

They looked and sure enough he had started acting strangely. To the untrained eye, he seemed normal. But since they knew what he was, they saw the change. He was acting as if he was trying to be casual. Glancing from side to side, he then walked passed a booth until he got to the end of the street. Then he looked around one more time before grinning and pulling out an apple. He tossed it in the air, caught it, and took a bite.

'Easy as pie. Apple pie.' A voice said in Kevin's head.

"Looks like this ones got sticky fingers." Avi commented as they kept walking.

They followed close behind, keeping an eye on him, when an officer grabbed his wrist.

"Ei! I saw that! Mind telling me why you stole uma maçã? Ladrao." They asked, narrowing their eyes.

The mystery guy lowered his head, as if ashamed he was caught.

"Ei! Eu lhe fiz uma pergunta! I asked you a question!" The officer said, tightening his grip.

After taking a deep breath, they slowly lifted their head and looked at the officer. Even though they were several feet away, Avi, Kevin, and Kirstie could hear the officers breath catch in his throat. Slowly taking the officer's hand off his wrist, he wrapped his arms around their neck.

"Eu sinto muito. I'm so sorry. I know it was wrong and if you let me off with a warning, I'll be extra good. Eu prometo." They said, with a voice like honey.

The officer blushed slight and stuttered over his words, trying to find the right thing to say. He finally found his voice and took a step back.

"Uh, as long as you don't do it again..."

"Não se preocupe, I won't." They said with a smile.

The officer took another step back, nodded, and quickly walked away. Watching him go, he sighed and held something else up. It was the officer's wallet. He gave a light chuckle and took another bite out of the apple.

"Tão crédulo." They said with a smirk, and started walking again.

Kevin gasped as everything clicked.

"What is it?" Kirstie questioned, glancing up at him.

"I don't believe it." He muttered to himself, with a small smile.

"What?" Avi asked.

"He's a charmer." Kevin told them.

"He's a what?" Avi and Kirstie asked at the same time.

"A charmer. You know, a person with an attractive and engaging personality, typically one who uses it to impress or manipulate others. He's like that, except it's actually his power. Manipulating people, getting them to do what he wants, it's his power!" He explained.

"Wow, that sounds... AWESOME! Do you have any idea how good it would be for us to have him on our team?" Avi said excitedly, and Kirstie nodded.

"Plus, in case we get in trouble or whatever, he can get us out of it!" She agreed, grinning ear to ear.

"Exactly! So first we'll get our stuff back, then we'll ask him to join us." Kevin told them, putting the pieces together. "Now before we do any of that, we need to catch him, and it won't be easy."

"How are we supposed to do that? We can barely find our way around here." Avi complained, but Kirstie stepped up.

"Don't worry guys." She said, looking back at where the guy went. "I've got a plan."

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