chapter 7

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Clara's POV:

  It wasn't mom, it was Rebecca who called me. I don't know why but I felt maybe that game was going some where else where I don't want it go so I thought of an excuse and squinted out of there.. I don't understand why Jake got interest in me and why he wanted to know me more?? I felt weird maybe he started liking me?? I don't know.. I was having these thoughts in my brain and suddenly the most unexpected, unpredictable thing happened.. I thought he was gone years back I thought that part in my life would just remain like a scar and will never bother me again but suddenly when I saw him across the road smirking at me.. ! Something, something happened to me I froze in my spot. I closed my eyes and thought maybe I'm just hallucinating and its just a bad dream or something but as I open my eyes I see him again I see him making a move towards me.. I freaked out but not this time I won't make him feel me vulnerable I won't let him cross the fucking line.. And I just ran I ran for my life I ran for my respect I ran for my scar to not become a fresh wound again and I ran no matter what even if I find death on the way because no way in hell I want the history to repeat I don't want to understand the meaning of what he did to me in a tender age.. I don't want him to spoil my present to.. I just ran.. Until I reached home..!
As soon as I reached home I head off to my room and dropped myself on my bed and I didn't even realize when I started crying tears started running and my mind went to the dirty past of my life..😢 the part I always tried to cover up the past which I never let it come out, the past which I never allowed it to effect my identity.. I wanted to talk to someone that time I wanted to scream my life out.. I reached for my phone to call Vince but I hesitated because I know he already has many problems in life I don't want to burden him with my problems too.. So I put the phone back and tried to sleep but I know I can't so I  just..
I just opened the first draw of my study table and took a sleeping tablet so that would help me out.. No one knows that I take them.. Rebecca knows about it. I did not tell Vince because i know he will kick me to death. Its just my way of escaping from that nightmare..
I know maybe I seem to be weak but I'm not because I over came that situation though it haunts me sometimes..

And with the little sobs sleep over took me..

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