~~Thank You All~~

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I have shown those who have stuck with me,

A piece of my heart,

No one insulted,

No one was rude,

Thank you for that!

If you have read this all,

Thank you, it keeps me warm with a shawl,

Prevents ice from stealing me away,

No longer does my mind lay,

Dormant nor my thoughts so utterly unheard,

I appreciate the support and have learned,

So much through this,

About myself and the world.

I come up with these on the spot,

And write at random to leave even a dot,

In this world and on your minds,

Perhaps your hearts and souls,

But only you know,

Precisely how you yourself interpret my writings,

They are designed and made to be seen differently to everyone,

To be open and thoughtful,

So everyone has something to gain,

Something to find,

Something to see,

So do not feel shame,

Most often I know not my own intention until far after,

Maybe you found it enjoyable,

Maybe you did not,

Either way I'm simply glad someone has seen,

The lone thoughts of my mind,

And has the chance to use them in ways they want,

As long as they cause no harm or fear,

But allow a clean glimpse of hope at all,

Or maybe the door to darkness,

Who knows? 


Note, all rights are reserved for each poem, you can quote me if you so wish using my pen name, Kalama Chase

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