Love Language- IMPORTANT

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My dear friend,

Where have you gone?

Why do I feel this friendship was a con?

You refuse to explain,

Yet you do not seem to sense my built in pain,

The venom of caring,

It's poison attacking,

My mind, soul, body, and Heart,

This curiosity and agony are tearing me apart.

Now we only talk,

Through a screen,

A screen which can be so easily shattered,

A screen that depends on energy,

A screen with such delicate technology,

Is this the only way now? The only option?

How can I see your tears,

How can I hug you,

How can I be there to fall in the abyss at your side,

If now I feel,

I barely know you at all?

My Love Languages are words and time,


Now it seems we have neither together.

Your words are pixels that have no meaning to my mind,

The time is really so far and measly.

Even those around me,

Refuse to put away their phones,

Turn them off,

Put them away,

When I'm crying and telling them how broken I feel,

How I am going through Hell.

All I want is someone to provide me their full and undivided attention,

In this world where everyone wants to communicate with everyone except for those begging at their feet.

Is your Instagram or Snap Chat really more important me?

How can I tell you even hear my voice,

Many times you have admitted to hearing nothing,

To just nodding randomly,

Your eyes never leave the screen,

My call for help you ignore,

For the people who are miles away and happy,

You abandon me to the world of your phone.

I plead you to put it away,

You refuse so I just stop and decide you're not worth the effort,

That talking to a zombie is a waste of my wisdom,

That if you deem social media more important,

Then what is the point of me talking to you?

Again and again,

My voice is covered,

By those of others or the phone you hold,

So if you do this, up my walls will go,

Because I feel so foolish, so childish,

Talking to a wall,

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