Hidden Piece

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My soul was dead.

Tears of dread.

'Do not fear dear child' I hear one day.

Grab a coat, slip on shoes,

And that day I came,

To those tree.

Into a tender heart I ventured free,

'Look up, see my arms and leaves,'

'Look up and see the sky,'

The blues above,

The pure greens,

The reaching arms,

'Come here child,' the voice called to me,

So I came with a lack of flame.

'Just wrap your arms around my tender bark dear child,'

So I threw weak arms around,

Hands unable to clasp together,

'Cry with me dear child,' it said,

Tears burst out and no longer did they feel like scars.

No longer were they painful,

No longer were they lonely,

No longer were they forbidden.

The water soaked deep to the trees core,

And the tree accepted it graciously.

'You are welcome here child,'

It seemed to hold me close, squeeze me tight and firm, filter me with confidence.

For once, I belong.

The arms above were my save,

The beauty of the swaying brilliance of trees towering about,

Never casting shadow on me,

Only being patient and watchful,



Loving me.

Then I screamed out,

'I will never let them tear you down! I will never let them take you from me!'

I collapsed and slept with no nightmares of beast that day.

Roots curled around me,

Caressed me.

Night came.

Wolves howled a sweet tune,

Birds sang in glory,

All of it watched over me,

All of it knew me,

All of it,

Accepted all of me.

As sap sparkles,

As the crow caws,

A the deadly claws reveal,

As the leaves comfort,

As the roots beat a heart in the earth,

As the days pass,

As the souls in the trees escape into my heart,

I smile.

I laugh.

I dance.

I am joyful.

Until the dark day dawns when I am forced cruelly to return to the terrible reality.

'I promise to return', I whisper every time I am torn away,

'I will be waiting here for you child', they whisper back,

'I will give you strength and hope', they remind me,

'I will shelter you always child', they call.

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